HistWar: Les Grognards

Looking great… think of huge tabletop battles in 3D and 32bit colour :slight_smile:
Unlike Total War and Imperial Glory it only focuses on the battles.


Also, Battalia. This freeware game is fun if you’re into wargaming…

Ooooh, that HistWar looks good. The Napoleonic Wars was my first love as far as military history was concerned.


No British army in the game yet - the developers are French :smiley:
There is a video in the download section and plenty of screenshots in the forums.

The more I read about it the more exciting it gets. A map editor, tools to edit the AI, maps up to 600km² :eek: You can even customise the unit uniforms.

French site (with some more videos and stuff) is http://www.histwar.com/

Les Grunts :slight_smile:

Napoleonic War dioramas yes I very much enjoyed building them, with tobacco for grass :slight_smile:

Historex in those days from ‘Under Two Flags’ by the Imperial War Museum, I used to paint the figures and get new kits as payment

Thanks Johan!


Here’s a preview article with some impressive screenshots on the last page:

The battlefront page with it, also has video.


Looks great. Anyone here playing RTW/RTR?


Les Grognards does read well…

We can design doctrine, uniforms, and battle fields - why does it stop in 1814 though? (OK, I can guess ;))
Plenty of scope for after market ‘stuff’.

Will they start with any battle where Napoleon was absent?