I’m trying to set my guns up in single player the same as I have online but due the bug I haven’t. However I heard that you can hardcoded them into user.ini file and that gets around this. Is that correct? If so where is the online version of the user.ini that I can copy to my single player user.ini file in mydoc\cliffs - mod etc.
The confuser.ini (who says dev’s don’t have a sense of humour). It’s in the 1C softclub folder, Matt. Away from PC at the minute so can’t check.
It’s the same file though for single or multiplayer, which leads me to… I’ve not heard of it being fixed. You sure??
If your just messing about with gunnery, you’d be better off hosting a multi player mission but LAN only. You can then work around the problem and mess about on your own with your gun settings. I had to do this when I testing the stats code I’d written.