Good hints!
And happy to read about Ming again
Good hints!
And happy to read about Ming again
Testing the Ju87, Pe2 & Yak1 at the moment.
In multiplayer it was more than hard to get a 109 in the LaGG.
The YAK1 is a much better contender, especially down low. It outturns the 109, which is still slightly better in speed and more in climb.
Thanks Paf, sounds like it should be or atleast how its been in the previous Il2. Lagg = flying brick and the Yak a flying Spitfire, just with no ammo.
Very interested in how the multiplayer is shaping up, early days but is it doing a better job than Rof and will it be able to handle a ground war with 50+ pilots in?
For MP I think we have to wait for bigger servers. We are not so many Testers to really stress this at the moment I think. But it got very smooth over the last week, also with a 30vs30 tanks battle on the ground, trains, vehicles, AA. But I don’t have any numbers
I’d be surprised if it is!
Same engine and multiplayer code.
With clever mission design you can use triggers and spawn in objects and AI to flesh it out.
But given the announcement that they’ll be giving us a simplified mission builder, that sort of clever stuff wont be possible.
There are a lot of WWII sim players who are looking at BoS as the next saviour of flight simming, like it will be an IL2 for the future.
Sad to say, because I know RoF and how 777 work, an IL2 successor it ain’t.
It’s RoF, but WWII style
Sad to say, because I know RoF and how 777 work, an IL2 successor it ain’t.
It’s RoF, but WWII style
So IL2 SEOW will live on then
SEOW is possible, all it requires is a database and mission generator. It’d just be very limited what it could do.
Right now I’m waiting for the mission builder and multiplayer.
Once they’re out we’ll be able to see what limits BoS has.
My feeling is it’ll be just as throttled as RoF.
RoF can get away with it because most of the action is air combat.
BoS will be ground attack focused so needs plenty going on down there on the ground.
So what’s new?
•Clouds are coming in March. They are big, ok for FPS, lots of varieties based on humidity settings, progressing well.
•In the summer (and probably post-release) there will probably be a second generation of the cloud engine.
•Servers can be set to No Externals.
•Wind can be set for different directions/strengths at different alts.
•The clouds will move according to the wind
•The overall weather will not change during a mission - the sky will be seeded with clouds at the beginning. We don’t plan 5 hour missions.
•Everyone on a (multiplayer) server will of course see the same clouds
•The IL-2 was armoured against rifle calibre bullets not armour-piercing 20mm. It is a flying tank compated to the Stuka, not the T-34.
•IL-2 is not meant to be survivable alone. It needs fighter cover against bandits and group tactics against AA.
•No, Loft isn’t going to change his avatar.
•The radio at the moment talks a lot so the programmers know what the bots are doing or plan to do. Much of this will be removed so that the radio works better and isn’t full of chat. Be patient.
•The IL-2 semi-detached tail is a bug.
•Aiming for 64 players in multi
Really looking forward to seeing/feeling the wind and cloud effects. 64 player in multiplayer sounds fine, is that an improvement on Rof?
In word…No. Sounds roughly the same
You will find that RoF has touched the 80 mark in a DF server.
Worth mentioning is that too much AI controlled ground units will kill a server.
We’ve had real problems in the past with too much ground AI turning the server into a lag fest. I have had to reign back AAA to make the missions playable.
That’s just AAA and half a dozen humans flying.
I want BoS to surprise me, but I fear it won’t.
In the run up to the release of RoF we saw intricate ground battles to showcase the sim. None of it ever made it online because it was too much.
You don’t even see it in user made missions or campaigns.
Getting DeJaVu I am.
I believes the CloD engine needed to be saved as that is much more generous with it’s capacity and could have been so much more with a dedicated team working on it.
There’s a part of me that believes 777 bought Ic Studios, not to build a new WWII Sim, but to kill off the competition.
Bit like when NVidia bought out 3DFX.
This number is pretty much what we see in ROF, but it says not so much.
The problem is, like Brigs said, AI conrolled planes, vehicles, AA … There has to be an enhancement in the engine, to cover full scale battles/wars.
I still hope its possible