Hello and nice to meet EAF

Hi guys,

after some challenging and great flying time online with some of your EAF fellows,
but also with the kind support of EAF_Starfire, I just wanted to say a big hello and
introduce myself:

My real name is Christoph and I was born March 7th, 1964 in Switzerland. My father is Swiss and my mother is French (Paris),
so I got two passport which is very nice and handy.
I went to school because I had to but wasn’t very fond of, finally decided to attend the teachers training college to become
a teacher (weird isn’t it?) and got my diploma but actually never taught. Instead I went into advertising, translation service
for IT matters to finally end up in IT for almost 25 years.

My hobbies are: Flight Sims, Modelling, History, Music, Cats

My equipment:
ASUS I7-4770, ASUS GTX970 4GB, 16GB RAM, Win10, Saitek Rhino x55, Saitek Rudder Pedals, Saitek Throttle Quadrant,
Saitek Trim Wheel, TrackIR 5

I hope to spend a lot of good time flying with you guys and I’m looking forward being a full member of EAF. Thanks.


Chris aka Therion aka EAF_T_Therion

Hi Therion and very welcome to the crew!
I have been with EAF for quite a while, but as I moved to the countryside I lost internet connection for a couple of years, so I am only recently back. I got fiber connection half a year ago, so now I am finally back here.
During the meantime, I have spent a lot of time training my dogs (border collies) and our cat (who is better on recall than my present young dog).
I live on the Swedish west coast, 90 km East of Gothenburg.

See you soon,


Hi Therion, welcome and looking forward to flying with you


Hi Therion! Welcome to the EAF!

Hi Therion welcome into the big EAF family, hope you’ll have a good times with us! :cool:

Welcome to the EAF Therion.

I’m one the EAF pilots who do not live in Europe. I’m in Hong Kong. So I’m the guy flying during your morning and day. I seldom join during your evening flights.
Looking forward to flying with you if you wake up early.

See you in the virtual skies!

Welcome Therion!
See you up there;)

Hi and Welcome Therion.

For those of you who do not know. Therion was assigned to us at the first In War campaign misssion.
I also had the pleasure of flying with Therion on Finish Dynamic War server.

Glad you are finally here :slight_smile:

Hi Therion

I already welcomed you on WhatsApp, but if you want to speak French I can help as I am half British half French, married a french girl and now got 2 kids a dog and a cat. I work from home (consulting, aviation art & building flight sim kit) so can be available quite easily for training, which I need badly, when I’m not on a mission, at an exhibition or at a sailing competition.

Welcome aboard !