Havent been able to access the forums

For over a week - anyone had the same problem?

It just said “Unavailable access” or something, no error.

Yes they have been down for a while, join the EAF group on facebook

Facebook…have we moved that far now. :slight_smile:

Some of us have. :wink:

The web part of the server went down on saturday though the server itself was till running (with mail and ftp still working). After a reboot yesterday all seems to be back to normal. I still don’t know for sure what is causing these problems, but unfortunately I loose the ability to remote connect when it happens… :frowning:

That’s not good to hear.:frowning:

Sounds almost like someone is intruding/hacking your server somehow…of all the nothing I know about techie stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

FB wouldent matter to me.
I do have an account but I only access it when I am bored, which are somwhere around once a month.
I can’t stand the baby crap that mothers in my family post. I don’t really need to know the color of the kids crap or that they have been pucking all night all over everything.

Same, not a fan of FB myself.

My missus, on the other hand, thinks it’s brilliant

A few of us a work had the idea to create an FB group to commit Facebook suicide, get as many onboard as possible and delete all our accounts at the same time, but bloody hell you can’t. Once you’re in you’re in for ever.

You’re account just sits there deactivated.