Happy new Year

Just like to say Happy New Year to everyone.

Last year was a Blast and here is to 2006.:gnammy: :holiday: :ani_beer: :XXpuke: :banana: :banana:

Happy New Year!

ouch - where’s the asprin

Happy New year All. :slight_smile:

Happy new year!

Very strange this, seems the first to get in again after downtime managed to do so about the same time I came to the city, NOT after I logged in or anything. Hmmm…

Well, reboot coming up in a few.

Happy New Year all!


Happy New Year and all the best for 2006.


Good year to everybody, of peace, health and serenity

hy all

happy new year. and best for al of you chaps.

and that we may kill lots of gerries this year

hunting season in open :w00t:

Happy New Year to you all great bunch of people!

BoB maybe this year? I predict Christmas06 :slight_smile:


Happy new year my friends :slight_smile:


Happy new year!!

Happy new year all!!:slight_smile:

Happy new year to you and your fam. :slight_smile:

Happy new year to y’all. And hooray for getting the site up and running again. The doctor ordered another day of recovery in front of the telly, but Thursday I’ll be whizzing around in my Spit again. The fresh air will hopefully do me good. :smiley:


Happy New Year All!
