Happy midsummer!

I guess not all of you celebrate midsummer (or do you?), but here in Sweden it’s midsummereve tomorrow, when most is not working and instead is eating and drinking, outside if it’s not raining too much. :smiley:

Myself I’m going to the summerhouse over the weekend. Have a good one! :holiday:

Have fun Mikke…longest day of the year (21st of June) here as well!! :smiley:

I want see the english on stoneange! :roflmao:

Yeah, Happy midsummer everybody!!! I’m also going to celebrate the midsummer at 21st. of June!:banana:

almost the whole block and I have made up an extremely big fire…at least 4-5 meters high and in 20-30 in diameter!:w00t:

We have done this almost every summer eve…and when its burning, its a heck of fun! and hot off course!:roflmao:

I will enjoy the day as best as I can, and I hope everyone else does that too!

Happy Summer!:slight_smile:

We met on this day at a Midsummer Night’s party and we married on this day 25 years later

I lit her cigarette and said “That was suave wasn’t it…” and she knew what I was talking about. She had to be mine :slight_smile:

Happy Midsummer’s Day all!


God St Hans til alle sammen! :slight_smile:

Önskar dig en härlig fylla den här helgen Mikke :slight_smile:
Ha det gott, vi ses efter semestern.

Stuntman, sa du att ni bränner ner ett kvarter varje midsommar? Håll dig borta från MITT kvarter bara…pyroman!


Yes maybe I do that, Crash…so you better get moving on your holiday before Mr. PyroMan comes after your block as well!:flamethro

Oh oh, Scandinavians and a drinking opportunity :ani_beer:

Wish you al the best for the 22nd! :smiley:

In Glasgow we have a midsummer solstice tradition of running naked down Sauchiehall street to the tune of Scotland the Brave. It is the only day we are allowed this kind of freedom of expression, (apart from her majesty’s birthday of course). Honest!

Thanks, Guizzo…already done my part in NiederRhein Scottish Festival last WeekEnd…:roflmao:

God Skt Hans :slight_smile:

Wish you all a terrific St. Hans eve!:slight_smile:

As said earlier, we are going to fire up a very big fire:)…but…Murphy’s law are off course against us:

Someone have ruined the whole stack, now it lies everywhere!

Someone have flushed the stack with water…the whole fire is wet!

Someone have done the unfair thing of calling for rain…we have rain!

Looks like this St. Hans will be very disappointing:(