Happy birthday Ming!

Either there’s another thread on this and I haven’t seen it, or SimHQ is better at keeping track than we are!

Happy birthday Ming!


Beers all round then!!

I’m catching up!!!.. Happy Birthday your Emperorness!:smiley:

Happy Birthay Ming!!:slight_smile:


Happy b/day you old fart…

Happy birthday!

:ani_beer:Happy biltday, Mistel MING:ani_beer:

Happy B-day to Mr Ming the only EAFer that has his own language “Mingizims”:smiley: :w00t:

Happy birthday old chap beers are on you I beleive :smiley:

Osprey its not ‘Mingizims’ its an entire language called ‘Minglish’ :smiley:

Happy Birthay Ming have 1 on my tab :banana::banana::banana::ani_beer::ani_beer:…:barf:…:roflmao::roflmao:

Happy birthday, mate, and many many happy returns.

Old? Still ticking :smiley:

Happy birthday, Ming. S!

So Ming is one year older. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthay Peter.

Happy Birthday, Ming! :holiday:

Happy Birthday MING :w00t::holiday::holiday::wave::holiday::w00t:

Happy Birthday Ming :smiley: :ani_beer:

Thanks all :slight_smile:

See you next year over Dover chaps!

Then the wine will flow even more freely. If that were possible :slight_smile:


Many happy returns of the day Ming :ani_beer:

happy b-day ming!

enjoy it and i will jumpt in to the bar okay :wink:

Congratulation’s on you birthday, Ming!:banana::banana::banana:

Wish you a cracking birthday!:banana::banana::banana: