Grazie a tutti per averci fatto partecipare alla suo missione di addestramento. Scusate se siamo stati scortesi ad entrare senza chiedere, e’ stato molto divertente e siete stati tutti al gioco
Grazie a tutti per averci fatto partecipare alla suo missione di addestramento. Scusate se siamo stati scortesi ad entrare senza chiedere, e’ stato molto divertente e siete stati tutti al gioco
Damn, You’ve decrypted THE SUPER SECRET PASSWORD!!!:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
It was a fun night, a real and brave furball with a/c strength escalation…
Yes, 202s versus Mk Vcs, 205s versus Mk VIIIs then G. 55s versus IX 25lb / Tempest Vs :roflmao:
Made me realise how rusty I am at flying a Spitfire, though - thanks to you guys for the sharp lesson :o
You are always welcome! Even in war we are a family!;)
Her Majesty Secret Service is now aware that something is moving on around Malta and that the Italians are ready to play some dirty tricks…!:bootyshk::bootyshk::bootyshk:
We’ll see…
Trieste is very lovely, Jimmi, where abouts in the city are you?
It was a pleasure and real fun, Marsh! You’re always more than welcome to join our sessions.
P.s. Very good Italian, mate!
Thanks Banzai!
Had the wife help me a bit; posso la parlare, ma non molto scorrevole :o
Are you in the UK for work?
Yep, I work for Rolls-Royce (which is great) in Derby (which is awful)…
I live no more in TS, but was born there and have still strong connection to the city. She’s nice and offers a great life quality! My parents have a small nice flat on the hills in san luigi close to a big park/wood and at 10min by bus/car to e city center.
now i live at the base of the dolomiti alps 130km/h away from Trieste and 100 from Venezia.
Never been to Derby, Banzai, sorry to hear it is not great. How are you liking warm beer?
Spent a while in FVG, Jimmi, in a small village near Udine. My in-laws have a flat in Trieste; great place if a little cold in winter. I love the boiled pork sandwich with fresh horseradish and mustard!
Banzai, you should visit where I work and see a thoroughbred Rolls Royce in its natural home
And where do you work?
Banzi, believe me, don’t ask and go to see Classic at once
Sure but… Where?
If you want a clue Banzai, view Classics forum profile (right/left click his name), then click on the “About Me” tab.
I used to “live” in this dolomite:
Nice motor.
Triumph produced some great cars back in the day.
We had one of those in the late '80s
Wonderful Snafu!
@Marsh boiled meat with mustard and horseradish rulez1:cool: W PEPI
Yes, but… there are at least a half dozen places where a Spit and a Hurri could be under restoration in the UK… so, where???