Good Training...

yesterday evening, with Angelus- Arthur - Mas, we have made an excellent training: I and Angelus on spit against Alan on 111 Heinkel and Mas on Bf109/He 111. Most useful evening!! We have experimented on the ns. “worthless person” how much is hard to go against a bomber, with to edge of the true ones cekkini that with 3 shot in cross kill you. One true joke ah! ah! ah! ah! considering that while the spitfire spits hundred of big suppositories (light guns) centering the target also in vital points, the bomber continues to fly like if null was, without tailplanes, with riddled wings similar to colander etc. Regarding the track then I have seen as the 109 make one infernal rose… impossibile not to make center… insomma, a true split one’s sides with laughter!!! Unfortunately I have then had a problem (resolved) of ts that it has prevented to me to communicate with the others…
It would be beautiful to be able to reply!! THANKS To ALL FOR The BEAUTIFUL EVENING…

Yep! Good evening it was. I deliberately choose He-111H-2, because it is not so well protected as H-6 model.
When level stabiliser is “on” He-111 flies straight even after some damage, he just loose altitude.
To make things more interesting, i tried to level bomb red airfield, so i lost some time for setting up the bombsight. So i jumped in the gunner position only after AI gunner started waisting ammo :slight_smile:

Thank you all for flying, it was good fun! :slight_smile: