Good Morning Lads!

Last time I checked I wasn’t asian… :smiley: I’m really rather British :banana:

I got the email, but no attatched document, I’ll find out what was in it tonight.

Right, got TS Sorted.

welcome aboard :slight_smile: i see the nancy boys remarks have been done already :smiley: see you in the sky soon

Technology hates me :frowning:

I get my internet working, yay! Victory!

Then my mic stops working, so I download new drivers, and install, I restart.

My computer now restarts on EVERY boot up…:eek:

no attatched document,

No attached document to the second email I sent you after I sent one to you given the mailbox address above and you said why are you sending mail to that mailbox it’s a dead drop?

Are you taking the mickey :slight_smile:

Sorry mate to be serious, I’ll send it on tomorrow. Cock-up on the paperwork front due to coffee depletion :slight_smile:


No problem, doesn’t look like its gonna be doing me much good tonight :frowning:

You may have noticed the continuing ref to nancy boys from 602 Sawyer… Not sure why, but if its nancy boy flying that has got us the highest kill rate in the latest campaign, then nancy boys it is.
I suspect our Celtic cousins, although undoubtedly are as ‘hard as nails’, have a hard time explaining why the ‘nancy boys’ are leaving them standing in their ability to knock down enemy aircraft…:stuck_out_tongue:
(put that in ya sporan and smoke it!).
(Yes Ming… I know its not politicaly correct, but they started it:D )…

Hehe :smiley: Yeah, 19 sounds like my kinda place.

Well, I 'spose well have 602 to thank for stopping those V2 launches later in the war, eh? :cool:

Welcome to the EAF, Sawyer.

Your post count for today is right up there with Ming’s so you’ll fit in just fine. :wink:


Registration should work now anyway.

10, In a day, thats gotta be a record for me… Make that 11!

Okay, okay, I’ll stop!

Orpington eh Sawyer…
Not far from me mate in Bexleyheath :slight_smile:

Small world :smiley:

Sigh, please don’t encourage serial posters :frowning:

You will never achieve the art of Mingness, who has been know to hold whole conversations with himself to get more posts…oh, he just did it again up there :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s all just part of the nanciness :smiley:

Somone say serial posters:D

He strikes again:D :smiley:

this nancy boys thing has to stop y do we not just sort it out in the air 602 v 19 the winner takes all and well the losser takes the nancy boys name home with them. :slight_smile:

<starts designing the McNancy tartan>

Ok ok plaid you lot are so f*cking touchy about your skirt materials :slight_smile:
