Ci sono moltissimi bug che non sono ancora stati risolti sull’Anton anche se l’aereo è uscito dalla beta. Gli Admin di SOW hanno paura che senza un pò di pressione dalla community possa diventare un vizietto degli sviluppatori di lasciare gli aerei wwii a metà e di concentrarsi solo sui “moderni” dove la community si fa molto più sentire!
anche se non voliamo molto l’anton (aereo bellissimo secondo me!) vale la pena aiutarli!
anche perché poi si passerà a fare richieste su altri aerei (p47) i treni ecc.
What can I do?
Here’s a few suggestions on how you can help.
- Go to the ED forums and reply to any of the Anton bug reports, asking ED if they are doing anything and letting them know it’s important.
- On any of those threads, mark the post (or relevant replies) with “like” or “thanks” to raise their status.
- Rate up bug-reports. Given them 5 stars so they show up and rank highly.
- Go to the Mosquito section of the forums and express your concern about that module, given the situation with the Anton and its ordnance.
- Post on the DCS Discord asking about the situation. Be sure to tag @Bignewy, @Nineline, and other ED staff to make them aware of the situation from our perspective.
- Voice your concerns on Reddit, Facebook, Steam and any other ‘social’ media channels.
- Post on blogs and reply to the comments section of other content to let the world know.
- Post videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch and other video channels.
- Spread the word. Tell your squad mates, online friends, and everyone else, and help us get some quality assurance on the Anton, and DCS WW2 in general.