Giovedi 17 Marzo/17th of March, training session


Buongiorno piloti,

Questa sera avremo due piloti in training con me e Joker, @EAF_T_Rasuro e @ EAF_T_Freeman68

Altri piloti voleranno con i nostri TO in un addestramento specifico per quanto riguarda il coordinamento in un attacco AG.

Prima parte della serata nel nostro server, seconda parte nel server No20! Segnatevi!!


Good morning pilots,

This evening we will have two pilots in training session, @EAF_T_Rasuro and @EAF_T_Freeman68

Other pilots will be flying with our TOs in a specific training regarding coordination in AG attack.

First part of the evening in our server, second part we go in No20 server!

Sign in!! @51Squadron @41wing

Rasuro IN

Freeman IN

Banzai in due the A/G training :+1:

Joker IN

Ricordo a tutti di chekkare costantemente il forum, oggi esce la patch e i server verranno patchati.
Quindi appena avrete la possibilità fatelo anche voi se no stasera poi non riuscirete a joinare.

I remind everyone to constantly check the forum, today the patch comes out and the servers will be patched.
So as soon as you have the chance to do it too, if not tonight then you will not be able to join.

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Gin in

Bear out (impegnato fino a sabato nel taglio bosco della casa di mia suocera)


Da pilota a motoseghista…non male!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Maybe, depending how I feel, sick with flu

io ci sono … potrei arrivare leggermente dopo le 21 ma spero di no

Presente (forse dovrebbe venire anche Mr. No per togliersi la ruggine…)

E allora convochiamolo a Mr. No, @EAF51_MrNO vieni a “srugginirti”? :sunglasses:

Si, credo che stasera dovrei finire per tempo e poterci essere,salvo complicazioni, incrocio le dita

Strale in ma arrivo in ritardo

Get well Rob!

Yes, the OB will be patched today, some big additions! I really should install my new M2 SSD that I bought just for DCS before I start the download, but.
So, not totally sure if I will fly or if I will be busy updating and updating.

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed trim controls achievable only in half of range with joystick input

Nothing said about that for the Mosquito, but I hope they have fixed it on that as well.

DCS: Syria Map by Ugra Media

The Syria map by Ugra Media has been expanded to the east at no extra cost. This update includes:

  • The Euphrates river valley.
  • Several new airfields in Syria,Turkey, and western Iraq (paved and dirt).
  • Forward Operating Bases (FOB).
  • Many new landmarks, cities, and towns.
  • Improved shallow water effects.
  • Oil fields.

Shardana in

Aggiornamento 29g, non ho spazio sufficiente su hd, sarà per un’altra volta

Got started downloading too late, and I haven’t even installed the new M2 yet. So, no flying for me tonight.

chiedo scusa ma arrivo a casa solo ora devo ancora cenare e ho letto della patch di aggionamenteo.
stasera non riesco mi dispiace