Giovedì 12/Wednesday the 12th: GEMINI Sqd night test. Pilots needed!

Come scritto, i GEMINI sul Discord dell’ITALIAN WING stanno preparando un’altra missione di test giovedì sera, riporto quanto hanno scritto su DISCORD.


After the successful initial test on our server, we are now ready to have a TEST-EVENT for one of our innovative maps, trying to bring something new to the Il-2 experience: NIGHT FIGHT!

This map has been carefully created to re-create the vibe of the night duel, bombers will try to attack their targets from the shade hunted by the searchlights ready to unleash a punitive flak, as well as the night fighters looking for a prey.

Worried of getting lost in the night, or miss completely the action? Don’t be scared of the dark: the map is also introducing a navigational aid simulating RADIO BEACONS to create an immersive way to help yourselves navigate accurately in the night, as well as a newly set ADVANCED RADAR WARNING system and coordinated SEARCHLIGHT / FLAK defenses on the targets.

Curios? Let us give you also some historical background on this scenario: "4th Februrary 1943, Novorossijsk. Russian ships are anchored in the bay in front of the city, waiting for the invasion landings set for tomorrow. Novorossisjk is preparing to be besieged, with Ju52 paradropping supplies on the axis defensive positions. Russian bombers are flying tons of sorties to weaken the landing beach, and among them there are the mighty “Night Witches’’, who will be known in the future as “Taman” regiment for doing 4600 flights in this peninsula. On the other side, luftwaffe nightfighters take off like every other night, guided by the radar operators on the ground. On both sides, men are nervously looking at the sky, ready to light on the searchlights to spot incoming intruders”

The event will be hosted on the ACES HIGH server next THURSDAY 15th OCTOBER at 22.30 CEST, save the date!
All pilots interested to join as single or as squadron (Suggested) please react to this post () or contact me in PM to save a spot to join. Details will follow, for any question you can refer to me (INGEGNERTOMMY).

Potrebbe essere un evento interessante, noi come 51° siamo fuori da tutto in questo momento e mi sta un pò sulle scatole visto quel che potremmo fare assieme, proviamo ad esserci in massa! @51Squadron

Could be a very interesting event, i’d really like to have 51 pilots pushing like madmen on this server!

I need ASAP the pilots interested, sign in!

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I think was impossible for me to participate, because i have fear to put under pressure my eyes. The night view for me it’s a dangerous stress as told to me by my doctor. Sorry.

Ciao a tutti,
approfitto per darvi qualche aggiornamento sulla mia situazione.
lato pc - sim sono a posto.

Purtroppo la mia mammina di 93 anni non è più in grado di vivere da sola e passo molti sere e notti a casa sua, alternandomi con mio fratello.

Forse da questa settimana infine avremo una donna che ci darà una mano

A presto


Ti comprendo appieno Gin. Dai un abbraccio da parte mia a tua Mamma, anche se non ho il privilegio di conoscerla di persona.

I wish I could join, but starting at 22:30 will be too late for me. If it become a new standard I will try to find a way to change my schedule and be able to join.

we well meet in any case at 21!

@Gin scusami ma non ho capito una cosa, potresti esserci giovedi o proprio no? @EAF51_Luft ecco il post

Vedo di esserci

se inizia alle 10 magari riesco a raggiungervi…
eventualmente per una seconda sortita!

@EAF51_Sir e a ci siete? controllate di avere i tasti per accendere e spegnere le luci del cruscotto ed eventualmente il gunsight (se possibile) - ho fatto una missione notturna su DCS e le luci del cruscotto e gunsight mi abbagliavano (stessa cosa quando controllavo la mappa)

Vorrei se possibile avere un numero più preciso di piloti questa sera, per domani!

i’d like to have a more precise number of pilots flying tomorrow evening since 21.00 CET

@EAF51_Cirso, @Jimmi_EAF51, @EAF51_Luft, @EAF51_Sir, @EAF51_Neptune ? Am i right?

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I’m in

I can’t make it tomorrow, again… I’ve got some family staff to handle. I will do my best to join you next week.

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Purtroppo saprò solo qualche mezz’ora prima se rientro in tempo
Domani sono in viaggio

Io ci sarò.

Alle ore 18.00 inizia una riunione al lavoro non so se tornerò in tempo per mangiare e poi collegarmi.

La missione inizia alle 22.30 ecco il briefing scaricabile fatto dai Gemini.

GEMINI_-ACES_HIGH_Test_Night_2-_Fear_of_the_Dark.pdf|attachment (327,5 KB)

Ciao a tutti, conto di esserci. A più tardi!


Saremo tedeschi stasera, 109 in vista

Ci so no anch’io !