GB Sqd naming No. vs xx Sqd

What are the difference between:

no. 92
and 92 Sqd

I am not sure that there are any 92 Sqd, but that might be besides the question.

So…are there any difference or is it just semantics?

No idea what you are on about Starfire…

Are you related to Ming? :stuck_out_tongue:

There is only one Mingling no matter how many beer’s you’ve had…:smiley:

Handicaped by having danish as a native language, my attemts to get by in the english language will sometimes sound either far fetched or foggy.
With this risk in mind I think my attemts will fair far better than if I wrote in danish :roflmao:

To make matters more clear, I shall will start by denying my relations with Ming; I am neither Ming in disguise nor haveing any relations to our hounered airforce mate :wink:

Back to the subject; When we look in IL-2 or at I find that the writing/semantic are different for different Squadrons.
Let me show some examples from IL-2:

30th Squadron
No. 218 Sqd
92 Squadron
No. 92

Why are they not written in a uniform way?

No. 30 Sqd
No. 92 Sqd
No. 218 Sqd


30th Squadron
92nd Squadron
218th Squadron

or ???

Don’t know why its like that in IL2 or any other game Starfire. The correct version should be No. 92 Squadron abbreviated to 92 Sqn (note its Sqn not Sqd). Also the No. was sometimes dropped.

Hope that helps.



“It Oleg problem, be sure.” :slight_smile:

@Starfire, on your Ming denial, you’ve never been seen in the same place at the same time. There’s more to this than meets the eye. :wink:

Hmmm, intriguing, notice how the second letter in Ming is the same as the 6th letter in Starfire. There’s definitely some more investigating that needs doing here. :slight_smile:


I’ll come over there in a minute :slight_smile:

Tradition is the answer Starfire, and how small words like Fifth or Twelfth can have resonance when the the is there before the word. ‘The Seventh’ (Calvary) and so on

Why are they not written in a uniform way?

We do not like to be too regimented. Unless we do :slight_smile:

In what passes for my mind, “I’m from the 30th” has a cool sound to it. It means you’re American and you smoke Lucky Strikes, unless you don’t

“I’m from the 19th” - he’s from 19 Squadron RAF - sounds completely wrong to an English ear and he is probably a German spy or possibly Donald Sutherland :slight_smile:


Sorry to bring this thread out of the depths, actually it was my fault I added all the BoB active squadrons for the RAF, RCAF and any missing JG units.
Charlie then added them to HSFX, which then got used by UP too.

I used the naming convention No xx Squadron to differentiate between what was already in game and what I was adding.

Great movie (I think you are refering to : “The Eagle has Landed”.

It was hard for me to hate him. He was quite charming and right in his own way.

Fault and fault…I think they changed it in HSFX5 and deleted the redundancy so it is more or less an issue of the past.
As I don’t make missions or templates for UP I am not so concernedby it anymore.