Friggin Werid...


I’ve been getting the dreaded “Launcher Has Stopped Working” issue.

So I did a complete un-installed of not only Clod, but also Steam. Got rid of everything to start afresh, and I mean everything.

During the day I have reinstalled Steam, then Clod, then all the MoDs. Game works fine, no issues.

Now here comes the weird part. Without changing anything, all my keys were still assigned, my Thrustmaster Throttle and Stick all work with the settings I created for the last install, all the windows in the game are in exactly the same places, and when I go to choose the aircraft I want to fly, all the selections with my details are there, it’s as if I was still running the previous version!

It just doesn’t add up!!!

Also, the user.ini file. this isn’t in any of the standard folders, instead it is in this location…
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\79444865\63950\remote

Is that the same as you guys have? And, is this where the game has somehow saved all my key and other settings although this file would have been deleted during the un-install?

Any thoughts?



And now the “Launcher Has Stopped Working” issue has started again.


The controls will come through the steam sync. I think somewhere along the lines with the mods you have to turn off the steam sync. Maybe that is the cause?

It could be that steam is stopping it as a result, thinking it is corrupted - and in terms of the viewpoint of steam it is as it is not the ‘current’ version from the developer.

All just speculation though, I don’t see why it should strike now if it didn’t before.


Launcher problem is an Administrator rights issue. But every time I give it, if I then close down the PC and reboot, have to go back and do it again.

Can’t you turn off UAC?


You didn’t by chance let windows update KB2670838 install?


Thanks for finding that Chairman and letting me know, but I’m running Windows10.

Will try turning off the UAC once back home on Thursday OD.

Thanks both…


OK, narrowed down the issues more, I cannot launch the game via Steam, each time the Windows Launcher exe fails.

However, if I launch steam and then the game via the exe file if the folder, then it works.

Anyone any suggestions?


Try right clicking on the game in STEAM and then go to properties and “Verify the Integrity of the Game Cache” see what that does. Failing that contact Steam support.

Are you running any sweetFX at all?? I had similar issues when I changed some of the sweetFX settings, removed them and all was well.

Well that’s f**ked it then.

Ran the “Verify the Integrity of the Game Cache” in Steam, said there were 326 files that needed verifying.

Now I can’t launch the game at all. Not even from the .exe in the game folder.

Hi Pufff, no I don’t have SweetFX installed, but was toying with it.

Ok, was it able to run the process? It normally then downloads the files and repairs them. Or it could be that it saw the mods and didn’t like them.

Think it was the MoD’s OD.

About to run the them all again!


OK, game all up and running again, but still having to launch from the game folder and not Steam which to be honest isn’t a hardship!

Just glad I can fly again, pain in the butt!

Very odd. See if you can create a desktop shortcut and you should be able to launch it from there then :slight_smile: