Forums Really Slow

I’ve been having problems accessing the forums these past few weeks, often very very slow and sometime not available.

Anybody else having these issues? Is it just my problem, or is there a problem with the host?

No problems here if I take my 3G connection in account.

If anyone else have noticed the forum being slow lately, please report here.

In past 15 days had no problems at all…
I have to notice that it’s just the time I had installed Chrome
Before I used Explorer and random had slowness and disconnection ones.

No problems here, using FireFox

Using IE8 and I have noticed occasional slowdowns over the past month or so

I might need to run a malware scan, and will do tomorrow.

Mikke, I tried a ping and tracert, didn’t get very far. Does your firewall reject ping and tracert requests?

You’ll see I was getting to plenty of nodes without any problem until after

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 11 ms 22 ms 13 ms []
2 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
3 15 ms 17 ms 13 ms []
4 * 30 ms 49 ms []
5 26 ms 23 ms 41 ms []
6 54 ms 64 ms 45 ms []
7 50 ms 52 ms 70 ms []
8 46 ms 54 ms 56 ms []
9 60 ms 54 ms 60 ms []
10 60 ms 64 ms 64 ms []
11 58 ms 62 ms 67 ms []
12 * * * Request timed out.

Yes, ping is turned off on the server. But try connection to the server directly with IP (use IP instead of www…), see if that makes any difference.

I haven’t tried a malware scan yet, but I happened to have 3 computers online today and any time I couldn’t get to the forum on my main PC, I tried the other 2 and those couldn’t get on either.

When it worked, it was fast.

So I doubt I have the same malware on all 3 computers. It might be my router, I have been having problems with that recently.

I’ll watch again tomorrow, and try to connect to the website with all 3 PC’s using the IP address, like you said (forgot to do that) in case my DNS is fragged.

It seems to me like Joe and I have some sort of ESP :slight_smile: or we’re using the same dealer :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it often slow for you as well, or just tonight? If just tonight that is easily explained, but if it’s a usual thing, well…

The forums were unavailable for me for the last couple of days Mikke, 404-type message, back this morning


And everyone else as well. :wink:
See O-club.

Not sure if the slowness and downtime is in any way related, but Joe and others that have noticed it beeing slow, check if it still is, or if it have become better since the restart.

Not had a single slow response since restarted.

Excellent, then we can be pretty sure it was a effect of the other problems, but it’s still strange that not everyone was affected (at least not as much).