Flying from a laptop?

Bought a new laptop, and found out that with Windows Vista Professional and no COM ports it’s practically useless for my job’s purposes (mainly on-site PLC and SCADA programming)…:frowning:

Started then moving all my personal videomaking, car ECU checking, imaging software & archives into this one, freeing space in my older home laptop, and turning in it into my new work battlehorse. :smiley:

Idea! As the new one has an Intel dual core duo processor, a widescreen high end graphics card, 1G RAM…what about installing IL2 in it, and flying sometimes from home, without need to stay in my office till 03.00 o’clock (as I’ve actually been doing since joining EAF)?.

I know that some of us are already flying from a laptop (Henkie, for example, I recall): any suggestion?

what about installing IL2 in it, and flying sometimes from home, without need to stay in my office till 03.00 o’clock (as I’ve actually been doing since joining EAF)?.


In the words of Alan Partridge… “you sir, are a mentalist”

Stick the laptop on ebay and get yourself a decent desktop, that way you keep Mrs MonsTTer sweet and wont have to drive home before getting some shuteye.

I have tried IL2 on 2 different laptops. An old Acer Ferrari 3400 with 1GB RAM but decent graphics turned out to run the game just fine at 800x600, but no higher. I think the 1GB RAM was the bottleneck here.

My present HP laptop with C2D E7100, 2 GB RAM and Nvidia 8400 graphics runs the game smoothly at 1280x800. This is a 1100 Euro mid range laptop.
Only trouble is that the screen feels a bit small for spotting dots, but with lower graphics settings you can spot distant dots.

I suggest trying it out, as install nowadys is easy (just copy the game folder). Even better is to connect a larger separate monitor too. Then I think it would work quite well.

But it will never be the same as flying with a stationary computer with 24" screen… But it does not hurt to try out the laptop alternative. :wink:

Added: The Acer was run at both XP and Vista (Vista was faster overall), and the present HP is using Vista.

:smiley: Keets…My Minister of Defence prefers me to keep on flying from the office…:eek:

She actually can’t stand me talking bullshit with Max & Wilcat in the wee hours, or cursing for being shot down by some fxxxxing Trainee :rolleyes:, or talking food with Painter and Alan…how can I possibly blame her??? :roflmao:

A “decent desktop” is on its way, though still for my office…I’m tired of flying at 10-15 fps during dogfights…:o

Really? :eek:

You mean that I can just copy the whole folder from my main computer to the laptop, with no need to install from the DVD and follow the whole copy&paste procedure? :rolleyes:

That’s REALLY great news, Hans, thanks a lot…it will come handy also when the new desktop arrives!!! :banana:

If you have installed the no-cd patch, yes it is that easy! :slight_smile:

This is how I have my laptop when I fly. It is much better because I get the screen higher up, and TrackIR works better:)

how can I possibly blame her???

Ah, that explains it then. :slight_smile:

Zhibbhi, is that some young totty I can spot on your desktop. I think we’d better vet it for you, I demand a close up. :slight_smile:

I fly on a lap top. Compaq R3000, AMD 64. Stick to lower res and excelent settings it flies perffectly. With 1280-800 it drops to around 25-30 fps and sometimes even less.

Zhibby, I like your rig! Gonna build one too. Where is my hammer?

Hehe, well she is pretty hot, but should i give old and married men like you pictures of young girls?:stuck_out_tongue:

thx for the reply Duke, I built it at school:)



Flying at 5 fps (“The Black Death” track) witn a Dual Core Duo??? :confused:

Should I blame those 780 Megs od RAM out of 1G, already occupied at idle (68 Processes & Services opened?? :rolleyes:

Does Vista Professional make such a crappy use of RAM, or do my settings need some tweaking??

Hard Disk keeps working at idle, too, without any virus present (Laptop is totally new) :mad:

Check to make sure you haven’t got a virus scan kicking in everytime you boot up. Also what Graphics have you got.

Thanks for helping, Brig-Guru! :smiley:

No, no AntiVirus scanning…with no resident AntiVirus (AVG, FYI) still som 550 M in use.

Laptop is an ASUS X51-AG049E, with Intel 2C2 T2350 and an ATI Radeon 300M RAM Xpress 1100 Graphics Card (widescreen TFT at 1280x800).

Il2 is set at 800x600, but even stripping AntiVirus and WiFi connection, can’t climb beyond 10-18 fps…:frowning:

Can’t think other than that 1 M RAM is not enough for Vista operation…:rolleyes:

The problem is not the processor, nor Vista. It is the integrated Radeon 1100 graphics card that is too weak. It reaches only 123 points in 3d mark 06.

Comparison of mobile graphics cards:

:eek: Mine reaches only 140 points in 3d mark 06! but I manage to fly with it though:)

Thanks, Hans…surely couldn’t fly “Excellent”!!!:smiley:

Lowered settings a little bit, now, and it’s much better! :wink:

Default setting for AVG is a system scan a boot, even when it isn’t running, a back ground scan will kick off via runonce in the registry. This takes a while to comlete. The HDD activity while idle is an indication something like a virus scan is running. Make sure it is disabled in the scheduler.

and since when is an ATI 1100 “a widescreen high end graphics card” :stuck_out_tongue:
That will be taking a lot of the system ram. My advice get yourself a decent desktop :slight_smile:

Sice never…I didn’t say so! :wink:

As stated to Keets above, the “decent” desktop is on its way…:smiley: