Flight gear bundle.

Hi Lads.

I am looking at selling all my flight sim equipment to fund an old hobby.

This consists of a CH Fighterstick,CH Pro Throttle,CH Pro Pedals and a TrackIR 5 with pro clip and hat clip, with the pro clip being totally unused.

The CH gear was purchased brand new in Jan’13 and the TrackIR 5 also purchased brand new in Feb’15.

I am looking in the region of £300-£325+p&p.

PM me if interested.



Great setup!

Are you planning to stop palying sims in the short future???:confused::confused::(:frowning:
sad Jimmi

Why you hanging up yer stuff mate?? Miss gassing to you online :slight_smile:

Thanks Jimmi & Puff. Likewise I miss the banter on TS and I also miss a lot of the other guys who have basically been absent since we have been on this relentless diet of Cliffs,more Cliffs and even more Cliffs.

Cliffs runs like a bag o’ shite on my rig and I’m past trying with the game but also feel that it will be the mainstay for some time to come.

Simming has been my pastime for over 14 years but Cliffs has bought it to an abrupt stop and it seems pointless to me having all this stuff on the desk when I’m not using it at all.

Over the last few weeks I visited a local rifle club, a hobby of mine many moons ago. I got the bug back pretty quick even with my old battered BSA .22 but soon realised I need something a lot more modern to even get close to the accuracy of the other shooters.I am selling up my flight gear to support this but by no means is it an indication of me quitting flight sims indefinately. As soon as I get my ass shot off down the rifle club and there is more on the table than just Cliffs I’ll probably sell the guns for flight sim stuff :slight_smile:

It will cost much more to but back all that good stuff!
I stopped simming for 3 years but when i got back online CH stuff was there ready!!!

I do need Track Ir but not the rest lol.

Understand what yer saying mate, been there with IL2…when that was all that was ever flown and I was fed up to the back teeth with the game… I took time out and played/beta tested RoF for a few years till Cliffs brought me back to the fold.

you’ll be back :slight_smile:

I reckon CoD will develop in the coming months for some variety, but I do miss the big campaign and missions with a real purpose with loads of variety too in SEOW.

I’d happily fly some IL2 if we got a good SEOW going again (like the one we’re talking about in the war room!). What about holding on to at least your TIR, Charlie, that’s probably the essential? And you can get by on IL2 with just a joystick, keyboard and mouse. That’s all I’ve ever used :slight_smile:

Hey Joe, good to see your still about on the forums. I hear you and others and we need to inject some variety back in there. I hope the seow does happen and it will be great to see some of the “old” boys back.

Charlie, hang onto something mate, I hope to get BOS stuff going on a Monday as an alternative and will fly with you in a week time when the holidays are over. With TFs latest patch delay info we need to keep abreast of other sims.

Hey C!

You’ve got an awesome HOTAS bro! Don’t give it all up unless you get top£ for it…
It will cost a fortune to buy back later.
I’m waiting to see what happens with BOM and then I will probably get into that some more.
But whatever you do, please don’t be a stranger on TS or these forums.
I would miss our chats and laughter very much.


I’m out sim for 8 years and also internet connection, I’ve tryed to find some of good in the new flightsim generation but i don’t agree with this new rules because is became a business much expensive.
I told that COD was damned bugged and it is!
BOS is for rich and poors with rule of add some plane as extras
I put long time ago the idea for DCS module and they have done but each plane cost as a singol game, each simmer need to upgrade PC, periferic like stick , TIR for realy enjoy and now with all this plane the comunity don’t have a good scenario, seems flight simulator.
My mind still remain at il-2 SEOW, less realism but more fun!