Father Christmas has been and gone!

What a great Xmas… My early present to myself turned up just before Christmas day…‘Black Cross Red Star vol3’ duly arrived thanks to Amazon!
Then on the 25th I had that classic series ‘Piece of Cake’ under the tree. I had forgotten all about the exploits of ‘Hornet Sqn’… and yes, before all the experts start shouting they didn’t have Spits in France during early 1940 etc, and they are all the wrong variants… get past that, and just enjoy the exploits of ‘Fanny, Moggie, Flash, Pip, Moke, Ram. Dicky, Sticky and Flip… not to mention Fitz, Skull, Mother, and Uncle’
And who can forget Sqn Ldr Rex and ‘Daft Dog’ Riley the mascot!
I know its not entirely accurate, but its so bloody funny at times,
just depicting typical WWII RAF sqn life…

Well, if thats not enough, my girls all clubbed together and got me… wait for it, Trackir 4!!:smiley: God bless em!
Couple all that lot up with the arrival of IL2 46, and I have had a bumper Xmas, with lots to read, watch, and play…

Happy days… ‘Bung Ho chaps’:wink2:

Sounds like you had a good christmas :slight_smile:
Although Mrs Brig knows I love PCs and Flight sims, she doesn’t and would never buy me anything to encourage it. Although she did mellow a little this christmas and bought me a Spitfire on a key ring, which is a massive gesture on her part, even though it probably only cost pence. :slight_smile:

oh and BTW

and yes, before all the experts start shouting they didn’t have Spits in France during early 1940 etc, and they are all the wrong variants… get past that

You’re posting in your home forum not SimHq or Ubi.com. Nobody would shout here:)

I got 1946 unexpectedly, but I don’t have any flight controller peripherals here, and flying with the keyboard is not fun at all! The A20C looks like a winner - it still has 6x.50" guns firing forwards, so what advantage does the -G have?

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a prosperous new year!

i’m trying to finish painting this 1:24 scale mk1 spit before i go flying tonight with the new tir 4 :smiley:

Nobody would shout here

He’s a new boy he’ll get used to us :slight_smile:

…just enjoy the exploits of 'Fanny, Moggie, Flash, Pip, Moke, Ram. Dicky, Sticky and Flip

Enjoy them? They’ve been in 19 Squadron most of em. Horrible hairy lot :slight_smile:

Oh Moke sorry I thought you said Toke. Sticky was among the first to die. Sticky’s end was more than most of us could bear put it away Sticky we were always saying whatever happened to that matchbox over the mantelpiece. I remember Fanny. Almost :slight_smile:


Didn’t do bad myself, Katy bought me BCRS vol.III, and the whole 3 volume series of ‘Bloody Shambles’.

Also Father christmas himself :wink: :wink: was particularly generous in turning up with a brand new digital camcorder for the classic family, how thoughtfully timed with the new nipper on the scene :smiley:

it still has 6x.50" guns firing forwards, so what advantage does the -G have?

I wondered that myself until I looked at it actually flying around in game. Even the ‘aircraft viewer’ in game has 6x.50cal machine guns listed, but in game there are only 4 guns firing and I’m not even sure that they are .50cal.

Have a great new year all.

Yeah… its a mistake I think. My books tell me that it has 6x .303 brownings, Four fixed, firing forward… two in the dorsal position…:slight_smile:

two in the dorsal position

In game we have a twin mounted pair of .303’s in the dorsal position but we also have the single machine gun in the ventral position.

Check the ammo loads on the new jets as well. Particularly the Yak-15 and Mig-9, i’m going to post about it on ubizoo today

A good time was had in the Majik household too … the kids were very happy with their lot, and Majik was very happy with santa claus dropping in early xmas eve morning with a big box …inside there was 42" of plasma goodness :smiley: