Face Lift for flightsimmachinima.com

I had to add MysticPuma’s excellent movie ‘Not My Time To Die’ to a new 2007 section of my old site and I thought the whole site could do with a revamp.

So here it is, all moved to a blog site which looks a lot cleaner and also allows comments:


(That address is just a domain name I bought that redirects to the actual host. The host has now changed from my personal ISP space, so if you have the old address in any of your links, please update them. The actual host is now http://flightsimmachinima.blogspot.com/ by the way.)

On a related matter, there has been a community vote on the top 10 movies in the IL2 world. You can check it out and vote if you want here

Thanks for the hard work Joe now re-favoured :o


Thanks Joe! Excellent!!