Extreme landings !!!

Sorry for putting this here but i was jiust amazed at these Boeing crosswind landing tests :eek: :eek: :eek:

Let me know what you think?


The 3rd one is truly amazing !!!

That’s what I call serious lag…

Holy Sh*te!

Please tell me there are no passengers and what are those idiots doing standing on the runway gawking I’d be up the road soon as the nose started swinging :slight_smile:


Notice the heavy rudder movements, pheew :eek:

Also notice, it’s the up-wind wheels that tend to land first - I always thought that you bank into wind on a cross-wind approach

Good flying anyway :slight_smile:

Essentially you are right Painter if you have FS9 or FSX give it a try.
A bootful of rudder and try to sight runway with right(or Left) wing down depending where the crosswind is coming from.And before you know it the tarmac smacks you hard in the face!! Fun but very challenging :o

real pilots have big balls

great landings

had you see this?

Being a passenger in a landing aircraft, it’s alway’s nice to see for yourself that the runway is clear…

Aaaaah, Duke:eek:

Techys crosswind landing :slight_smile:
