European Air War

Hello chaps, I’ve just installed EAW on my old PC for my son to use and I was wondering if anybody knows any sites still hosting patches and updates etc. The version I have installed is 1.2. I can’t believe its been 5 years since I last looked at this sim. It looks terrible now compared to IL2 but I remember having some real good times flying a Tempest over Europe.

The graphics don’t seem to be in a very high resolution and I can’t find anywhere in the game to change things, is this even possible in EAW.

Trying to fly using hat view was a nightmare now that I’m happy with TIR.


‘Darling, this old flight sim is not as good as my current flight sim made by that Russian guy I was telling you about. Junior would much rather fly a modern sim and of course I could teach him over the network I’ve just installed’

‘What does he need then dear?’

‘Well, just a new graphics card, motherboard and CPU’

‘Thats a lot isn’t it?’

‘Yes but think of the benefits, homework etcetc, and of course he’s our darling little boy - how can you deny him this?’

‘Well, we’ll see’

Of course, she won’t be able to tell that the new bits will go into my PC while number 1 son gets my old bits! :slight_smile: What do you reckon chaps? am I in with a chance? Dare I risk it?

Tune in for next weeks exciting installment.


That dialogue sounds convincing and could work Whiskey. lol.

BTW I found this:

& this

What can i say, For all of us who played it was a great game, after flying the tempest my favourite missions was flying a 110 against massed b17 or b24 formations.

I have already got my kids flying il2, a nice pink skin with hearts on for my daughters spitfire and blue for the boys.

They will be the excuse i use to get me a new computer in a year or two.

Still remeber Me and Growler in a tempest, quick in quick out, and then some more wine :roflmao:

Well keep on the good work with the wife, I now a little about that, trying to get my Ir-track :wink:

This is the way to 1.2 patch anyways

EAW patch ect.

Of course you should try to fool, eh, I mean enlighten your wife and get a upgrade. But while you wait, go open the ini-file for EAW. There you can find the setting for resolution, it’s easy to up it from default (640x480?) to something nicer. I always ran EAW at 1280x1024 back in the days… :slight_smile:

Thankyou Gentlemen,

I’ve downloaded a whole load of updates and mods and will be modding away for the next few days. (Un?)Fortunately my son has also discovered my old copy of HalfLife and I haven’t heard a peep out of him for the last hour or so. Hopefully that will keep him occupied for a while so that I can delay ‘his’ upgrade for a few weeks, then I can get an even better CPU/Gfx Card for the same price I was thinking about today. I’m wondering what the next ‘big thing’ is going to be. There doesn’t seem to be much movement in the CPU or Gfx dept these days. PCI-E seems to have established itself OK but otherwise it seems to be a bit quiet on the development front.


Best place for EAW stuff :slight_smile:

EAW those were the days

A bottle of wine and then some more of another…My wingman was a bad influence ! :roflmao:

But being serious still best of times were those in the zone.