Enlist thread for monday June the 13th! Lista per i voli di lunedì 13!

Ciao ragazzuoli, volevo creare un post per fare la lista voli per lunedì!
Le serate di training dedicato saranno giovedì, visto che forse anche i SIG ci saranno!

Cosa ne pensate del No.20? Rimaniamo su quello? Avreste altre proposte in caso, non sono particolarmente aggiornato se magari 4ya ha cambiato missioni o son sempre quelle!

intanto segnatevi che vediamo in quanti vengono a far punti e casini lunedì! @51Squadron @41wing

a Lunedì! Cappe


Hi guys, I wanted to create a post to make the flight list for Monday!
The dedicated training evenings will be on Thursday, as maybe SIGs will be there too!

What do you think of the No. 20? Let’s stick to that? You would have other proposals in case, I’m not particularly up to date if maybe 4ya has changed missions or they are still the same!

Meanwhile, note that we see how many come to make points and mess on Monday!

@EAF_T_Rasuro @EAF_T_Freeman68 you’ll have an evening dedicated to only training on thursday or wednesday, now we’ll discuss on OTU, of course more than welcome monday evening!!

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In , no matter which server.

Freeman IN

Joker IN.
NO. 20 good mission, pratically no action, axis players are few and not organized.
4YA, old style missions (from SOW ashes) but stll have Jerrys (also some good players from SOW times).

Along the day I’ll be in Sassari for job related stuff, so I’ll be in as soon as I’ll get back home!

I want to take the opportunity to apologize for my low partecipation along the last weeks, it’s a very busy period at work and we’re also having some extra-work with choir for some projects to be closed before the summer holidays. Time to sit at the sim desk is very short, and sometimes I confess that I just skip that part and go directly to the couch\bed session :sweat_smile:

Well, sorry for the wall of text and… See you on monday night!


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Bear declaring emergency.

I will be on live for the next two weeks as I will be in charge for two dangerous special missions: first week on granpa role in charge of my grandaughter; second week on escort mission of my whife who is taking her mother to the seaside.
RTB planned on jun 26th.
Hoping to survive the tasks, see you again in two weeks time.

Bear out


I wish you much strengh and luck.

Storm in. I like no.20 but there are only few bandits.

In, i like both servers :slight_smile:

Shardana in