Many thanks to all those who participated to the EAF51 10 years celebrations, on October 16 and 17 in Rome.
Here the first pics. A dedicated page on the website will follow ASAP
The “Big Family”: (da sinistra) TonyRule, Biccolini, 22GCT_Rosa, 22GCT_Adzel, 22GCT_Fly, 22GCT_Fly Jr., Triple1, Gin, Walty, Angela, Voss, Bear, MrNo, MrNo Jr.; Wwwolf, Jimmino, IlPesca, Max, Dudù, Siggy, Ragman, Cappe, Tempesta, Ilaria.
The EAF51 initiators, ten years after: Max, Bear, MrNo, Siggy, Wwwolf
The Newbies: Gin, Walty, Voss, Tempesta, Cappe, Ragman