EAF DCS Server: Info & Announcements

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05/10/2021 Implemented third server, C (Charlie) with fre to all access. Pure Dogfight Server with AI autobalance and mission restart time of 8h.


Joker OUT


10/10/2021 Disable Tacview anticheating delay of 10 minutes on all training server (Alpha & Bravo). Will be renabled only on official evenings and on demand from HQ.


Joker OUT


Experienced a DCS crash this afternoon on server B.
We were closing to Dunkirk and other players had lag in the same moment…

DCS offered me to save a better log but couldn’t hit the yes option because the window was stuck!

After that i took off again and had a pleasant flight with @EAF51_Walty @Greycap @EAF51_Ibanez and @EAF51_Dedalo shooting down many Ju88

This afternoon Cirso was working on SLMod… So it could be this…

mmm doubt it think it was b17 bombing again or anyway something mission related…
Do you want me to try and check the log?

If possible yes.
After checking with @EAF51_Cirso he confirmed me that during the afternoon he worked on SLMod on server and so frequently he had to stop/restart the server, so a this point it could be possible that the freeze come for this. The loss of frames instead could be a client related issued when we have the boming run, cause a lot of data was to be sent in a fraction of time for all the clients and thus client side could arrived few malformed packets that need to be resended from the server. I will investigate this and try to overcome finding a workaround ( last stand could be to disable bombing and choosing a minimum number of bombers that must be alive to have a succesful bombing run).
When the multicore/threading will arrive this issue wil be corrected.

Paid invoice for the month of October (see below the attached picture).
Currently in the cashier there are still 726,50€

Joker OUT

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Hi guys,
mounted the statistics collection system on the Server C. Statistics are updated every 5 minutes and are published on


at this moment the site does not publish in https so the browser will report the pages as unsafe. When we will integrate the statistics into our forum machine we will not have this problem and the domain will be the same as the forum one.

This is just a first attempt to keep running our statistic system, so let’s see what happens.




Patch DCS Open Beta released, server updated.

Joker OUT

Implementation of LotAtc on server Alpha and Bravo completed. From tomorrow’s night we will have GCI if we want :+1:

Joker OUT


Server Update:

Server Alpha:

  • Implemented LotAtc and server side license
  • Updated mission with EWR Net addition for LotAtc
  • Added Mosquito slot on the AG Range

Server Bravo:

  • Implemented LotAtc and server side license
  • Updated mission with EWR Net addition for LotAtc

Joker OUT


Ciao Joker
Ho notato che nel server A non appaiono piĂš le label, neanche ciclando shift+f10 e che nello SPIT una volta in volo il menu COMM non appare piĂš.
Sbaglio io qualcosa? eppure ho ricontrollato il settaggio dei tasti e sembrano a posto…tra l’altro funzionano a terra!

Ciao Bianco,
Non sbagli nulla, è stato richiesto dal comando ieri.
Chiedo a @EAF51_Cappe se devo ripristinare o lasciare la situazione attuale.

No tranquillo, se è stato chiesto ci sarà una ragione!

Avevo chiesto l’eliminazione di ogni oggetto sulla mappa di F10.
Ma da non tecnico non so se questo influisca sul comm menu o sulle label.

No, ma io avevo inteso tutti gli add, le comm posso ripristinare l’easy comm. Comunque @bianco2_EAF51_20 se associ il push to talk ad un tasto hotas quando lo premi si attiva il comm menù. Comunque domani lo rimetto.

Togliere le label ci sta alla fine, ma c’è stato un misunderstanding, nel senso che basta solo togliere tutto dalla mappa.

Grazie jok :blush:

Ok, poi dopo pranzo ripristino.

Premetto che in quanto segue mi riferisco alle label, che dovrebbero essere gestite da un’opzione a sé e quindi separata dalla richiesta di Cappe riguardante le icone in mappa F-10.

Se posso e se siete d’accordo: manterrei l’impostazione delle label come “dot only” (forse adesso si chiama diversamente, ma è facilmente individuabile), impostata come enforced dal server, almeno sul Training A. So che in molti server online è disattivata, ma sul server A impariamo principalmente le basi del combattimento aereo, e questo apprendimento risulta ovviamente inficiato dalle forti difficoltà nel mantenere un minimo di SA con le label completamente off.
Si potrebbe poi magari impostare come off sul Training B, dove facciamo addestramento avanzato.

Che ne dite?


Fra mezz’ora vado di editing, fatemi sapere cosa devo e cosa non devo implementare.