DUXFORD Autumn bash 2010

Here’s my contribution from a great sunny day at Duxford.

Shame the F15’s only did one pass but there you go.

The flying was great and varied, but for me the flying display of the day was from the plucky little chap at the end;
who’s low level past nearly took the heads off some german lads, which they found highly amusing.

Niiice! :slight_smile:
So, what make and model is that last one? Slightly out of focus for me to tell…

Dammit Phil, I didn’t know you were there!!!

The partridge of whatever it was came steaming round the tail of the DC-3 we were stood by, narrowly avoided hitting us, landed and went charging off across the taxy way on foot until it realised there was a huge crowd there. It turned and legged it off straight across the grass runway, very funny.

A cracking selection of images there mate, great stuff :slight_smile:

Awww sorry James.

Next season, I’ll ring you the night before !

Mikke, I think its a Partridge GR4 specialised low level attack bird.

It did seem to be causing a variety of problems.

Rgr, it does remind me a little of the Harrier GR in the nose, seems to have a pretty good view forward/down.

It did seem to be causing a variety of problems.

Drunk pilot?

Beatiful pictures Phil! Especially like the ones of the Sea Fury.:slight_smile:

I see a problem with the last aircraft though…seems like the canopy was more or less an open type on that one. Maybe the pilot forgot he’s goggles (I don’t see any) and thus wobbled a bit with the controls?:slight_smile: