Duxford Airshow - Sunday, Sept 14th

Some shots from Duxford Airshow. Highlight was the two Lanc’s.

Nice shots, looks like better weather on Sunday.

We couldn’t get tickets for Sunday.

So I had the bright idea of going back via Coningsby and catch them landing.

It very nearly worked ! they landed just as we came into the village !

Thanks Phil.

This is the third time I’ve tried to see them. Two days at Bournemouth, but the weather and Vera going u/s put pay to that. The weather was so bad I put the camera away.

Yesterday was better, though dismal during their display and I chose a poor position for the light. I should have been further round past the tank museum.

Still it was a joy to see them and if you haven’t seen the display, I’d try and get to Southport.

On a different note, have you noticed the demise of ladder tw@t and the corresponding increase in iPad Bellend now, who leap in front of you like a portable sight screen, recording the airshow?? :mad:

I had more than a few shots ruined by heads in the way, but that’s the way of things.

The wind break brigade get me, They do seem to think that erecting a wind break creates a temporary legal right to the ground thereon.

The best one I saw was at RAF Cosford when someone had erected an 8 man tent on the crowd line and fenced the whole thing off.

So I went and stood in the corner and took my pics, could feel the eyes of hate burning into my back.

most people at airshows are polite considerate folks out to enjoy the day.

As with everything, there is always some selfish twerp who tries to spoil it.

I know you love the Llanc Keets, and here you got all of them Avros best…

loverly pics

Superb pics Keets!
Thank you!

That’s a great series of shots, Keets - I like the two head-on lancs especially! Someone mentioned a virtual air squadron to me while loitering around on one of the days and the thought struck me that I haven’t popped my head in to say hello in a long time :slight_smile: