Dornier 17: Salvaging a rare WWII plane from the seabed

They try to recover a DO 17 for the museum in Hendon

I like the Do17. Its a beautiful looking plane. I always had a soft spot for Hoch- and especially Schulterdecker (cant think of the engl words right now ;).
And the Do has such a beautiful wing-fuselage intersection.

But I had a good laugh at the BBC video showing the map of nazi germany in 1940. Hmmm… Someone painted todays BRD + BeNeLux + Denmark +Norway+ France red …

Personally I would say the map in the video depicts what the Germans had conquered, the sphere of influence it held on many countries at that time in 1940. Just before the said bomber was shot down during the period of the Battle of Britain.


I know the feeling. Classic refered to my squadmates as my countrymen. I did not had the energy to explan that 331 Sqd are populated by 4 Sweedes, 1 Dane, 1 Ducth and a single Norweign. Ironic since I doubt that any Sweedes ever served in any of the Norweigen RAF sqds during WWII and less than three Danes:

Ironic since I doubt that any Sweedes ever served in any of the Norweigen RAF sqds during WWII and less than three Danes:

One did.

Yes, I think its what is meant. Funny is, that if its meant that way, its totally off using germanys borders from today. :wink: