Ciao ragazzi, non sono d’accordo su alcune cose indicate dall’amico Walty. Se il tuo gregario ti perde, visto che poi ha poca esperienza, abbandonare, salire al sicuro, rejoin e poi parlare, per la sicurezza di entrambi.
Poi eravamo troppo frammentati per poter pensare di avere una minima superiorità aerea.
Siamo pochi e in fase di bombing rune forse dovremmo ricompattare la formazione caccia…
Im not sure I understand exactly what you mean, but in any case “parlare” can’t never be the last thing to do. It’s always the first. Immediatly after losing your wingman tell him so. Let him know what’s happening. That’s a basic premise of team flying.
About the situation of the escort, well, there are many things to improve, and debriefings are for that, so every input is welcome…but possibly in a mail or closed forum In combat the flight leader decides, and after combat we analyze and improve…hopefully
We were too fragmented, possibly yes. But when we are on escort we need to keep with the bombers at all times, even if we are completely at bad stakes.
Escorting is for me one of the most difficult missions we have. After many years I still haven’t come with a perfect solution. Im afraid we need to keep training! (no, I dont get payed for trainings)
No Im not spying! But I found this interesting from a tactics perspective.
If the mission is to escort bombers? Then you MUST escort the bombers, not dive away chasing enemy fighters(that may be what they want?).
Know what the mission is and stick to it. Get into a position where you can get to the enemy before they reach the bombers,
but if the enemy dives away, let him go, regroup and defend from further attacks.
I know its tempting to go for the kill. But there is no glory if the escort is down low shooting up a few fighters, when the bombers get slaughtered above.