DCS Thursday

That all seemed to go well, the mission needs some work as the triggers all launched instantly. I’ll sort that though.

We could probably do with some guides on flying. The ‘Chuck’s Guides’ I posted the other day explain how different systems work in pictures. They’ve been really handy for me.

I plan to type up my important key assignments so that people have an idea of where to start. I’ll try on Sunday.

Thanks all, enjoyed it!

I really have to sort out where the different buttons and switches are. No use taking off with a full load of rockets in the P-51 when you can’t fint out how to fire them. :roflmao:

Add to that, that my TIR acted up almost every time I came low and close to the ground in strafing attacks, flew into the ground at least once due to all of a sudden looking at the seat in my plane instead of where I was going.

Well, on that note, I was helping Red set up a few controls after you guys left./ I’ve started to type up my settings so they key assignments that are needed for each of the aircraft modules that I have/use.

I’m thinking I should put it on a Google Drive so that it can be accessed by everyone.

Was wondering, while SoW is down is this something that we would like to try and do on a regular basis, or is it more of a one-off type thing? I’m happy to develop the missions (and make sure the triggers work) so that we can start to do some more challenging things as we develop. Having 4 Bf109s circling the airbase was not ideal! Luckily the Mig-15’s and Fw190s didn’t join in too!

Will it also be possible to select “red” planes to fly? I’d like to fly the Mig 15 very much :angel7:

It was available last night! (Or should have been - I couldn’t select the Mirage 2000, though it was in the list). May just be something wrong in that mission file.

No problem mate, flying the F86 was fine enough for the evening. Though I was setting up and tweaking the thing again to get back in business. Most of the evening I heard was my roaring jet engine while finding out how to release the rockets.

Thanks for your help last night OD…Also went into the menu to adjust the sound and found out I wasn’t running it on its highest settings, so turned them up and it makes the sim look even better!

I will be flying the F86 more often now:eek:, but that doesn’t mean I wont be flying CoD as well

Now I’m off to grab a beer and watch some pron…sorry utube:cool:


The Sabre was the one I always wanted to fly, especially after watching an old war film with it in. Plus I enjoyed flying her in the Mig alley sim, dogfighting still instead of fire and forget missiles stuff. However after watching a recent documentary on the Mig15 and Sabre, I’d really like to fly both, especially the Mig! I’ll wait till the prices drop and maybe get both.

I’m up for flying DCS for a while, both mondays and thursdays. :slight_smile:

You just missed the sale, it was last week. They do them quite often though.

If we’re going to fly it more often then I am happy to host until we feel we’re ready for bigger servers :smiley:

Eventually got the controls working after unplugging the ch throttle and ch rudders. Then put one back at a time. Still get small micro flicks on the elevator and the ailerons sometime and have a sneaking feeling it’s the micro stick on the throttle.

Is it worth get the newer map or are we all flying on 1.5 still? Tempted to get the Sabre if we are going to flying this more often and read prices might go up with version 2.

The Mustang was nice to fly, stalled easiler than I thought it would and really like the detailed cockpit. The .50cals sound nice, shame I can’t hit anything.

I can get them with the trim wheel on the base of the stick, I used that to zoom in on the dials etc. It’s really annoying.

The prices won’t go up, and they have regular sales too. I’m not buying the new map for a while, reason being that while it looks good there is work on-going on the Normandy map and the Straight of Hormuz. Both of them are likely to be purchasable modules and I’d rather have one of those. The Nevada map looks stunning though, really really good.

Shame you just missed the sale for the F-86 though. Red seems to really enjoy it, I really like the way it flies and the visibility is superb. It’s a worthwhile pirchase, BUT it doesn’t feature in all of the online servers - I think it is in the main ones though. The Mig-15 seems to be a better aircraft for dogfighting (with the F-86), but I wouldn’t swap!

Latest website update:
Online with DCS this evening…

Cheers Puff and Pax for the quick Sabre intro and your patience’s :slight_smile: I eventually got her started, taxied, airborne and landed…with one 'ell of a skid mark. Got shot at by sidewinders from Pax…missed :p. Then shot his plane up when I got stuck in the grass next to his. I could barely see him in the air so it was the only time I got the chance :)…and then ejected!

All in all a great start :)…what happened to OD…hope he’s okay.

Highlight of the evening was watching two P51’s flying in perfect close formation, with smoke on and make a perfect heart!! That encouraged me to keep going.

Glad you got up in the F-86. Sorry I couldn’t make it, Laura threw a wobbly from the moment I walked in the door and it went on all night - no particular reason, but meant going online was probably not the best thing to do. I posted on Whatsapp, but didn’t get to the forum.



‘‘The female of the species is more deadly than the male’’…been there mate lol. Sorry I had to go last night, got called from my work and ended up working till 1am in the mill. Swoop, I’m still learning the F86 too, but I want to learn all of the systems as system failures are modelled in game I believe and I want to know what to do in all situations :slight_smile:

So true :roflmao:

Cheers Swoop, I also encourage you for a quick start up and to get familiar to watch some Youtube on it. Also there are some downloadable campaigns out there for off line practice.

Here are some youtube links for the F86


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BeJ2KU4_V4&list=PLoiMNu5jyFzRg0t6eYg0V5AfKSAoVArcZ&index=36 { look at videos number 37 to number 40 for F86…video 36 shows custom kneeboards }




plus I use the in game training missions for the F86…very handy…considering I have only really started flying her this past week lol

I’ve used a few YouTube videos, also have Chuck’s guides. They simplify it down pretty well.

Chuck’s F-86 Guide