DCS Sconti/Sales

Piloti, canarini, tacchini e volatili vari da scrivania…

Ritornano gli sconti su DCS a partire probabilmente da venerdì sera, per il periodo pasquale, in genere una settimana circa!!

Visto che alcuni di noi stanno diventando veramente efficaci e per molti è l’unico aeroplano che manca dalla lista, portatevi a casa il P47 che per l’attacco al suolo comincia ad essere un oggettino molto interessante, non dico che vi obbligo ma poco ci manca, così cominciamo ad uniformare tutti i piloti su un solo aeroplano multiruolo, da un certo punto di vista se la cava meglio del P51 il P47, sicuramente in picchiata va come una cometa e incassa che è un piacere.

Miei two cents, di sicuro @EAF51_Straledieci se non ce l’ha è obbligato a prenderelo ahahahaha
@Tigre lo ha già, @Hunter pensaci anche tu che pur nel pieno del training, avrai sempre modo di utilizzarlo più avanti ma prenderlo in sconto vale la pena!

So, for @Cassador_EAF51 @EAF51_Neptune and @Nepe_EAF51 considering the new dcs sales is imminent i suggest you looking into DCS site since friday evening, there will be many airplane and sceneries up to 50% or even 70% less than usual!! Feel free to buy EVERYTHING!! :joy: :joy: :joy:

For pure fun i suggest alto the F5. :grin:


I would gladly buy everything, if my wallet was fat enough :smiley: . For the beginning I plan as @EAF51_Storm suggested me:
WWII asset pack
Normandy map
And either P51 or Spitfire. I am more willing to buy Spitfire… but you guys are mostly flying P51, right?


If possibile i suggest you to buy both of them, P51 and Spitfire, don’t know the entity of the sales right now, if possible i would go for both!

We use them both, spitS in AA and mustangs for AG…

I quote Neptune as far as the wallet, for the moment I stay with the P51, Spitfire and Normandy.
The P47 is too big for my taste, I would be more oriented for a Mosquito in the future!

Quoto Nettuno per quanto riguarda il portafoglio, per il momento resto con il P51, Spitfire e Normandia.
Il P47 è troppo grosso per i miei gusti, sarei più orientato per un Mosquito in futuro!

Lo comprai tempo fa, ma lo ho abbandonato quando ho iniziato il P51

Possiedo anch’io il p-47 è una macchina favolosa ,un padre di famiglia. Lo consiglio a tutti.-

Spitfire and P-51 will go on sale at 25$ each.

Io li ho tutti, comprati di sale in sale :joy:

I bought all the warbirds, sale after sale :rofl:

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I recognize that, I have them all except the 190A, I never fly the German planes I already have, so didn’t feel necessary. I might if it comes with a big discount though…
I haven’t bought the Channel map yet, it looks good, and is fun to fly on (great for helicopter flying as well), but it can be a bit “heavy” to run (I haven’t notices any big problems, but others have), and it’s almost never used for hosting.

Si ma se vuoi far danni, è la macchina da usare in AG, vola benissimo!

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I fly German planes sometimes…(but keep it secret or I will loose my wings… :rofl: ) but only to play in future as aggressor to train my teamates ( :sunglasses:) .They are great and well modeled. I suggest, when in sale, to take also the A8…really great.
The Channel is amazing, but it come at a small cost, it’s a bit “heavier” on hardware than Normandy but the level of details are not comparable. With 32Gb of ram is an instabuy, with 16…pheraps.
At the moment is used on very few servers but probably will become the map of the future for BoB scenarios, as Mariana Islands WWII will become the reference poit for the Pacific’s one.

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Mosquito is delayed…

So there was no sale on Easter this year :frowning:. I think there was no Easter sale in 2019 either. Need to wait for another ocasion…

They say that there will be a Spring sale, so probably they delayed it a bit.
Last year Easter was on 12th of April…

Rumor says that there might be a sale with the release of 2.7, but as I said, rumor…
If not before, I think around VE (8 or 9th of May) is a pretty good bet.

Q2 means between 1/4 and 30/6, we’ll have to wait and see.