DCS bugs after 2.7

This is what I meant when I said that all icons disappeared from the map:

Even a problem at the GUI screen :lying_face:

Same thing happened both last time I flew on the EAF server and tonight, only happened on our server though.

Also Cappe was floating in the air after landing.

On monday I had a strange blue shine on my Viggen cockpit.

Cappe floating

For the floating problem I opened a ticket but I seen also happen (more rarely) even on SOW…
In the first part of May I will reinstall the server.

Last night I saw little black rectangles appearing for a moment in various positions of the screen, especially when I was turning. That never happened before…
The fact of seeing suspended or landing planes buried in the ground, I have always noticed them!

I’m not sure it’s a issue with the server even if I have only seen the icons problem when flying on it.
When hosting myself (alone as my ISP blocks the traffic on the needed port) I have also had two crashes (but not the icon issue).

The problems of the icons was never reported before from the others guys, instead of the one of floating above/under the ground that was reported by 50% of the pilots…so this second is not player’s related but must be a netcode issue.

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The disappearing icons happened for me again yesterday after flying on the EAF server for maybe 1,5 hours. Bianco didn’t have the same problem, so it’s something that bugs out on my computer. So far I have only seen it after flying on the EAF server, but that is also the only one except when I have hosted myself that I have continually flown that long on post 2.7.

Mikke try the Virpil one or LFDM if You could, so we can lern if is server related or MP related.Then we could try to open a ticket.