DCS Bf109 Kurfurst

The 109 is here, you can buy it or download if you selected it in the Kickstarter (as I did)

Anyone to test it tonight? or any other DCS flying?

Sure, if Keets is not in for some ARMA 3. What time Nepe Im off work today early is good.:slight_smile:

First of all Nepe, please, I need your help to choose the planes from kickstarter…
Possible for me to be online but I’ve never flown P-51 in multiplayer

Great Walty!

Of course I will help you, its a matter of monutes to install the new planes.

What about 2100 GMT Osp and Walt?

Ouch… errr 21:00 still playing with my daughter… probably later

i’m online now to play some dcs if you want… but i need to install 3 Gb update (2 Gb downloaded now) :cool:

Osp and I are online now

Great fun, lets do it again soon!:slight_smile:

Yes it was :)Thanks for the mission OspreyI enjoy DCS more and more, hope they improve the DM and damage visuals in WWII birds soon. And a new map. And targets…:slight_smile: