DCG Tracker (WIP)

I want to present development on a little java-tool I call DCG-Tracker, a good friend and me are working at, mostly he is. ( I am buying the beer)
It reads the Debrief of the DCG-Missions and makes a little Html-Statspage. I know there are already mighty Parsers around (online-wars, the one of Keets), but I couldnt find one for reading the DCG-Campaign.

At the moment its just collecting informations like Kills etc. and updates the Stats according to it ,so it doesnt show single missions and its outcome.
But what was most important to me, is, that it tracks the awards and promotions given by DCG and shows them.
For the moment I just put in visible awards for VVS, Luftwaffe and RAF, but more will come later.

Maybe next week, when im back I can upload a version, and I would be happy if some of you could do some testing with it, if you are interested.
Before, some problems still have to be fixed.

  • cant read sinking of ships at the moment
  • crashes, when player connected and disconnected before missions has started
  • problems with correct showing of player-rank, when the rankname is also present in other ranks, like “Sergeant” - “Flight Sergeant”

But nothing what should cause too much headache :slight_smile:

Little Preview

Looks very :cool: Paf! Provide your friend with more beer!

And us as well, while your at it :smiley: