DCG coops

Does anybody know how to set up the numbers of planes in mission ?
Really I cannot understand the inside logic of that tool.

Hi Jirka,

You need to set the planes to an acceptable level for an online coop. This is done in the aircraft data (I’ll do a screenshot example-tutorial, later tonight)

For example, I am currently running a Normandy '41 DCG.

I have a flight of two hurricanes, min, max and flight size are set to 2.
2 flights of Spitfires - min, max and flight size set to 4
1 flight of Blenheims - min, max and flight size set to 2.

2 109 E7’s, min, max and flight size are set to 2.
2 flights of 109’s - min, max and flight size set to 4.
1 flight of 110’s - min, max and flight size set to 2.

For all the other flights I set them to 0. Occassionally DCG chucks in some other aircraft. At the minute, the 109’s are going through an upgrade to F4’s from F2’s…

I also set Squadron density to medium (I think, again I’ll check this).

Once you get the above sorted, its really flexible.

I was also use Shift-E’s QMT to quickly check the numbers of aircraft after generating the mission with DCG, just to be sure.

… and no I don’t read the axis briefs. :slight_smile:

Hi Keets,
many thanks for your answer. Do you know interrelation between max number of connected players setupped in IL-2 while mission is created and the overall planes generated by DCG. For instance I want to create mission 8vs8. So I select that man number of connected players is 16. But DCG generate me mission for 16 red and 8 blue always. If I select max conneted players to 8, DCG generate me 8vs4. :confused: :confused: :confused: My intention is to generate mission 8vs8 with 0-8 bombers/jabos AI/player for both sides. But I cannot it at all. HELP ME PLEASE.

In Squadron Edit Jirka you can set a maximum and minimum number of planes. Set min and max to 8 that works ok or get my DCG from Mikkes server and use the squadrons.dcg file-

Maybe you do not know about the Squadron Edit function on the menu? I cannot tell what you know sorry mate - so I tell you :slight_smile:

Delete most of the Squadrons in Squadron Edit, leave maybe three or four for fighters/transports/bombers/recce


Here is my squadrons.dcg for the Ardennes

Planes 8/8-8+4
Skill 2
Class air.SPITFIRE9E
Active True AI False
Planes 4/4-4+4
Skill 2
Class air.BEAU21
Active True AI False
Planes 2/2-2+2
Skill 2
Class air.C_47
Active False AI True
Planes 8/8-8+4
Skill 2
Class air.BF_109G10
Active True AI False
Planes 4/4-4+4
Skill 2
Class air.JU_87G1
Active True AI False
Planes 2/2-2+2
Skill 2
Class air.JU_52_3MG4E
Active False AI True

Thanks Peter, I will test it. This way I did not try yet.