Ports are now open and should be ok to host so maybe a bit of a EAF free for all for a bit on Thursday to test the connection see how it copes so if you have a mission or dogfight you would like run send it over pm me and i will send you my email address but it has to be on a version we all have or most have like the HSFX 4.11 that we used for the Libya campaign we have just done in the SEOW.
Also post up here what the mission is you are thinking of sending over see what others think if I don’t get a mission I will just host a map and the rule is start early and each time you get shot down you move on a year.
I think you stat as early as 1936 and move 1 year each time you get shot down but if you get to a year you like you can just stop there and no jets till we are all able to take 1.
But any suggestions welcome is all for fun and to test my connection.
Zulu S!