Congrats to Whizz - a young at heart new Daddy

Thank you all very much. We’re both really touched by your replies to the announcement. Our new wee boy is brilliant and is settling in with us amazingly well.:smiley:

Congratulations m8, I wish all of you well :slight_smile:

Many may congrats Whizz :slight_smile:

I wish you, your wife and new family member a long lasting happiness

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Whizz and of course baby!! :smiley:

Many congrats family Whizz :slight_smile:

Congrats :slight_smile:

A PUBLIC congrates ‘old friend’, Whizzy Jr. is lucky to have two such fine parents…don’t worry, you’ll do fine…it is like flying, you get sharper with experience.
God Bless
Bakshi :banana:

Fantastic news!:banana: I am glad you gave a child a chance at a loving household!
God Bless you and your family!:w00t: