Comparative test Spitfire MkIA e un 109E3 (WWII)

Questi sono i risultati di un test comparativo tra un 109E3 catturato e uno Spitfire MkIa con elica a giri costanti. Ditemi voi qualcosa perchè sono un pò confuso.

Those are the results of a WWII period comprative test between a Spitfire MkIA and a 109E3…tell me your opinion since i’m a bit confused.

"Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough
June 1940
Spitfire IA K.9791 with Rotol constant speed propeller
Me 109E-3 Werk-Nr 1304

Comparitive trials between the Me.109 and “Rotol” Spitfire.

** 1. The trial commenced with the two aircraft taking off together, with the Spitfire slightly behind and using +6 1/4 lb boost and 3,000 rpm.**

** 2. When fully airborne, the pilot of the Spitfire reduced his revolutions to 2,650 rpm and was then able to overtake and outclimb the Me 109. At 4,000 ft, the Spitfire pilot was 1,000 feet above the Me 109, from which position he was able to get on its tail, and remain there within effective range despite all efforts of the pilot of the Me 109 to shake him off.*

** 3. The Spitfire then allowed the Me 109 to get on to his tail and attempted to shake him off this he found quite easy owing to the superior manoeuvrability of his aircraft, particularly in the looping plane and at low speeds between 100 and 140 mph. By executing a steep turn just above stalling speed, he ultimately got back into a position on the tail of the Me 109.**

** 4. Another effective form of evasion with the Spitfire was found to be a steep, climbing spiral at 120 mph, using +6 1/4 boost and 2,650 rpm; in this manoeuvre, the Spitfire gained rapidly on the ME 109, eventually allowing the pilot to execute a half roll, on to the tail of his opponent.**

** 5. Comparitive speed trials were then carried out, and the Spitfire proved to be considerably the faster of the two, both in acceleration and straight and level flight, without having to make use of the emergency +12 boost. During diving trials, the Spitfire pilot found that, by engageing fully coarse pitch and using -2lbs boost, his aircraft was superior to the Me 109.** "

Dai test fatti lo Spit si è dimostrato superiore in tutto :flushed:

Chiaramente di propaganda, inviluppo di voli descritto è concentrato sulla manovra, cosa che il 109 evitava. Oltretutto, le dottrine tedesche erano altro, oltre ad avere molti più experten rispetto alla RAF…

Secondo me nel test era un 109 col motore spompato… o che non sapevano come usare correttamente…

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Io ho pensato lo stesso, ma più che non sapere come usarlo (i test li facevano i test pilot dopo del tempo passato a spremerlo per conoscere qualsiasi aeroplano) forse era davvero spompato. In velocità l’E3 e l’4 erano più lenti dello spitfire, non l’E4N sia ben chiaro (ne han fatti 200 cioè pochi). Ma è la salita che mi lascia perplesso.

Non credo alla propaganda perché erano prove importanti queste, ed erano file segreti all’epoca.

Quello che ho riportato è la summa dei test, in realtà il fascicolo è molto lungo