Cliffs of Dover Help !

I have a couple of problems that Iv’e not sorted yet.

Arming aircraft doesnt seem to make any difference, I still get these two silly lines of tracer (although the ricochet effect off the water is good)

How can I have no tracer or all tracer

and German Aircraft still fly with italian markings, I cant seem to alter that either

am I stupid ? am I not doing something obvious ?

any help would be nice

You can edit your load out and swap out the offending tracer belts for De-Wilder or incendiary ammo. You can change your convergence here as well.

Unfortunately you can’t do this on quick missions unless you do it from the main menu in the options/plane screen.

Online and campaign missions work fine.

All this is saved on your user config file in Documents/1CSoftclub/il2 folder

You can see the settings for each plane and gun. I can post up my settings if you like, I use 200 yards convergence and no tracer.

German aircraft/Italian markings is the same principal.

yes that would be nice keets, then I can just copy yours :slight_smile:

Try this…

From the user.ini file in Docs/1CSoftclub root.

conv _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun06 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun01 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun02 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun05 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
belt _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 4
belt _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
belt _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
belt _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 5
beltPreset SpitIIaKeets _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 4
beltPreset SpitIIaKeets _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
beltPreset SpitIIaKeets _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
beltPreset SpitIIaKeets _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 5
weapons 1
regiment BoB_RAF_F_92Sqn_Early
callsign 17
markingOn 0
hullNumber 11
serialNumber AB912
aging 35

conv _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun06 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun01 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun02 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun05 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
conv _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII 200 200
belt _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11
belt _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
belt _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
belt _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 5
beltPreset SpitIacustom _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11
beltPreset SpitIacustom _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
beltPreset SpitIacustom _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2
beltPreset SpitIacustom _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 5
weapons 1
regiment BoB_RAF_F_92Sqn_Early
callsign 17
markingOn 0
hullNumber 11
serialNumber ab910
aging 255
loadout Custom1 SpitfireMkI_WingGuns Default

Thanks Keets, sorry to say it has’nt worked, still two lines of white tracer and now no markings on the Spitfire

I wonder if my game install is defective

There’s something else…

Have you got the Steam cloud synchronisation turned off in Steam?? To check, right click go to properties, I think it’s either the first or second tab.

Disable it.

You might then need to reapply the changes to the file.

Thanks Keets I’ll try that

@Keets can i save your settings in the EAFwiki??

@Phil - this is the checkbox I mean

@Jimmi - course it is mate. I’ll post up the rest of the settings I use for the other allied aircraft if it helps.


I’ve just tried Single missions and Quick missions and it ignores your weapon loadout.

I’ve not tried the campaign missions, but online it definitely works. Not much help to you I guess.