CH Pro Throttle.

Hi Chaps.

Does anyone know how to assign the ministick on a CH Pro Throttle to the pilots head movement/views etc in IL2?


Charlie ~S~

i programmed mine long time ago! (4-5 years…)
it took a lot of time so i preserve some good backups of the profile to not mess it up again…

it’s not very easy to program but at the same time it’s very powerful…

Said that i was able to use the ministick to control the mouse.
I think that in il2 you can assign the mouse to move the view…

if you like it i can send you mine profile…

Thanks Jimmi.

I would like your profile please, as I do not have a clue how to use the CH Control Manager yet…it looks hard :frowning:

I will get TS working and hopefully you will be able to talk me through the Control Manager and how to use profiles.


Charlie ~S~

here are my maps

you should extract them in …/documents/ch conrol manager/maps

the map is for a pro throttle and pro pedals (could give error for the missing pedals but should work anyway…)

I used many default il2 keys. (so i mapped some ch keys to duplicate some keyboard keys… these was good cause in cod most/some are the same… also that way i can change keys from in game, instead of messing with chmanger software…)

when i have time i’ll complete this…

Done at least. To use downloading the map in the previous post. Then you have to edit the in-game keys to use those used by Pro-Trhottle…