Catalyst 5.2 out within a couple of hours ..

I haven’t found the changes read me file yet, but they stated on the last release they would fix the known issues with PF, not that I have had any issues with the 5.1 at all with PF, but I know some have had.

Hmmm … release notes still list it as a known problem … unless the release notes are foobar … and thats happened before :wink:

I have had mega probs with 5.1 and radeon 9800 pro.

Crosses fingers…

I have had mega probs with 5.1 and radeon 9800 pro.

I’ve been really happy with the 5.1 drivers, also with Radeon 9800 Pro… I’ll wait for a while before going to 5.2.

After a discussion with Flowbee, Ive gone back to the 4.1 drivers

and hes right , they are jolly good

these later releases just seem to make it worse.

You could try extracting just the OpenGL drivers from as many driversets as you fancy Phil and drop the dll into your main PF folder, run a benchmark - one of them will come out fastest/best eye-candy


-or something it’s called and you can use a Dosbox to expand it and drop it in, instructions are around. Your next mission should you etc :slight_smile:


5.2’s running tickety boo here :slight_smile:

[b]New Features

[/b]This section provides information on new features introduced in the latest release of the CATALYST™ Software Suite.

The CATALYST™ Software Suite 5.2 introduces 3D setting options to the CATALYSTCONTROL CENTER system tray. The shortcut allows the user to easily adjust their 3D settings without having to load the CATALYSTCONTROL CENTER.

[font=Verdana][size=2]The 3D setting submenu will be found in the Adapter menu of the system tray. When a user selects the 3D submenu option, the following options will be made available:
[li]Anti-Aliasing. Application managed options include, 2X, 4X, 6X, and Enable Temporal Anti-Aliasing[/li][li]Anisotropic filtering. Application managed options include, 2X, 4X, 8X, and 16X.[/li][li]CATALYST™ A.I. (For RADEON™ 9700 and above). Options include:[/li][list]
[li]Mipmap detail level. Options include; High performance, Performance, Quality, and High quality.[/li][li]TRUFORM™. Options include; Application pref, or Always Off.[/li][li]Wait for vertical refresh. Options include; Always off, Off unless application specifies, On unless application specifies, and Always on[/li][li]Direct3D Setting. Options include; Enable geometry instancing, Support DXT texture formats, and Alternate pixel center[/li][li]OpenGL Settings. Options include; Triple buffering, and Force 24-bit Z-buffer depth[/li][/list]This feature is supported on ATI RADEON™ 9500 series or higher product line.

[/size][/font]Performance Improvements

[font=Verdana][size=2][font=Verdana][size=2]As with most CATALYST™ releases performance has increased in various situations. The following performance gains are noticed:
[li]Efficiency improvements in vertex processing have produced performance enhancements in key applications such as Far Cry and 3DMark05 on RADEON™ X850, X800 and X700 series products[/li][li]Far Cry “Regulator” and “Volcano” scores are up as much as 20% on RADEON™ X800 PRO at 1600x1200 resolution[/li][li]3DMark05 gains range from 1-3% on RADEON™ X800 series products to as much as 9% on some RADEON™ X700 configurations[/li][/ul][/size][/font][/size][/font]Issues Resolved in CATALYST™ Display Driver Version 5.2

[font=Verdana][size=2][font=Verdana][size=2]The following section provides a summary of the issues that have been resolved in the latest version of CATALYST™. These include:
[li]4x4 Evolution2: Attempting to play the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X300/X600 series installed no longer results in the operating system failing to respond when the screen is set to 1600x1200 32bpp and OpenGL Renderer is enabled[/li][li]4x4 Evolution 2: Display corruption is no longer noticed when having the display set to 1600x1200 32bpp along with the texture detail set to high and split screen rendering enabled[/li][li]Serious Sam: Playing the game under Windows XP results in the display flashing when TRUFORM is enabled[/li][li]Sims 2: Playing the game Veronaville under Windows XP while having the desktop set to 1024x768 32bpp along with AA set to 6X no longer results in corruption being noticed in the fields[/li][li]Selecting the option; Enable Video Mode, results in the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER not being able to return to the default setting for the Enable Video Mode option[/li][li]Switching language support for the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER no longer results in the slider bar for the engine clock being enabled when the option found in OVERDRIVE™ is locked[/li][li]Navigating to [font=Verdana][size=2]View->Define a Custom View and deselecting all options found in the 3D option of the Edit Custom View tab, no longer results in the Standard Settings option remaining selected[/size][/font][/li][li]Intermittent failure of the VPU Recover report not being sent is now resolved[/li][li]Double-clicking the slider bar found in CATALYST™ A.I. no longer results in the Disable CATALYST™ A.I. option becoming de-selected[/li][li]Disabling 3D preview no longer results in the preview continuing to run on a secondary display device[/li][li]Having the 3D preview running on the secondary display adapter and attempting change display modes, no longer results in the primary display device displaying a black screen and error messages appearing[/li][li]English is no longer the default language when installing the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER under Windows XP Japanese version[/li][li]The CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER Version number is now displayed correctly in all localized languages[/li][li]The Display Manager Notification dialog box is now displayed in the correct localized language[/li][li]The OpenGL driver is no longer disabled after boot up when both AGP Read and PCI Read are disabled[/li][/ul][/size][/font][/size][/font]

Got it, oohhh cant wait…

*Joe90 installs 5.2 and expects all bugs to be gone.

Set everything on default and here we go:

DOH! :mad:

So, I have now popped atiicdxx.dll in IL2 directory and so far so good, cheers Ming.

Hold on, thats not the file you said, erm, but it works for now. More testing required and I will report back.

I’m running the new DNA CAT 5.1a drivers here and have noticed significant FPS and Quality improvements over the older DNA CAT 4.12 drivers. I have them setup on 9500->9700 and the SOURCE settings. All default.
With the same settings as I usually run - Medium - Very High im getting an extra 10 or 12 FPS and its got rid of though dips down to 25 FPS down low over the trees.

Can get them from here or here.

I think the site maybe down for a while though so you can get them at Guru3D too.


After initially being very happy with the 5.2 on my 9700 pro( running 6xAA with next to no loss ), the rot soon set in. Fired up FB this afternoon to see corrupt textures in cockpit in the Beau. Looking to put the 4.7’s ( good set for me )back in after I’ve tried the 4.1’s.

I neeeeeed a new graphics card :frowning:

All is stable again.

I tried the DNA 5.1 and had problems

I put the correct 4.1 file atioglxx.dll in IL2 directory while running ATI 5.2 and had no problems. BUT, I couldnt force AA or AF.

So, took out 5.2 altogether and installed 4.1 and no problems so far (don’t you hate being right, Flowbee?)

I tried the DNA 5.1’s, was a no go, very " jerkey" graphics. 4.7’s have been my recent sweetspot, before that was the 3.7’s. 5.2 looked good initially especially in 6xTAA, however texture problems soon started to show through. 4.7’s back in now.