Buncefield Depot

I desperately long with you that they get the fires under control soon there and that those living in the vicinity have clear skies soon again and I feel pitty for you. Its a catastrophe. I definately wouldn’t feel comfortable if I would live near. I very much hope you will get relieve as quick as possible.

I definately wouldn’t feel comfortable if I would live near.

I live about 45 miles away, unfortunately the wind is blowing our direction so the sky has a dark stain across it from that direction. Its not as bad now as it was on Sunday, when the sky was very dark.

I heard the first explosion, but had no idea what it was and went back to sleep, I think I thought it might have been an aircraft but in my sleep haze I forgot it until I saw the news.

Painter is closer than me, as is Insight (see our EAF map) - I bet they heard it a lot louder.

Very nasty fire, hope they have it under control now. Good thing no-one was killed in the explosion or fire.

lets hope it won’t rain the next days over at you!
