Bos server down again ??

I’m getting confused with this. it was working on Monday then nothing, no indication on the site, does anyone know whats going to with it ?.

This is getting on my tits…

Phil, have you checked the beta forum. There is a schedule for when the server is up. It’s not 24x7.

From what I can remember Phil the server now runs from Fri to Sun beginning at 2000 GMT on Fri.

My tits are hurting too… :wink:

Thanks chaps

I’ve had a look and cant seem to find any timetable anywhere.

I do think the thing is great but when I paid for early access that’s what I wanted, not something that only runs when someone I don’t even know says so.

Offering pleasure then taking it away at a moments notice for no damn good reason, reminds me of a girlfriend I had once…

We’ve all been there… The frustration with early access I mean, not your ex.

You really aren’t helping yourself if you’re not looking at the EAF BoS early access forum I take it you can see it??. Or reading the posts we’ve made in this one.

A wise old boy of the merciless Ming type once said “as it’s you…” :wink:

Our discussion about limited access starts on post 30 here:

Log in with your email and password you bought the game with and you’ll see the early access forum. The access schedule is there.

Also check the SimHQ BoS forum

Have a read of that lot…

Not helping myself !!! I am a bloody Wing Commander you know, you don’t get a dog and end up barking yourself

When I bought the promotion from Mikke (for £100 and a prostitute) He assured me that I could get away with doing bugger all, including flying.

He said that other ranks did all that.

anyway the prostitute was a nice lad, knew a lot about ancient greek history as I recall.

Is that what they told you the WC sign meant on your “office” door? :stuck_out_tongue:

Logging in with your early access id on the dev forum is the best thing you can do, remember its alpha trial, not even beta yet.