Blue Screen of DEATH

Well it finally happened. After almost a full year of service my wonderful smooth running gaming computer had a Blue Screen crash.

I was hosting a server and flying with Jimmi and Luft, when I noticed that some of the planes where completely white in color. I exited to windows with the game running(this usually works without problems) to check my graphic card temp and POW! The blue screen of Death.

It has saved the crash dump flies, but I don’t know where to find them or what to do with them.

I have had a few crash to desktop recently when flying SEOW and on 2 occasions while hosting.

I had been playing about 3 hours nonstop. The guys thought it may be my graphics card over heating. Redundant once told me about a program that monitor you video card temps. But I wasn’t able to find it.

Any help is most appreciated.

My system specs are:
GPU: ASUS GTX 560Ti DCII 1.0GB ram
MB: ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
CPU: i7-2600K @ 4.0 Ghz (slightly overclocked)
RAM: 16 GB Ocz 4x4GB sticks
OS: Windos 7 ultimate

The motherboard has a overclock feature and will automatically find a stable clock speed for the CPU. But I will go back to default and see if that is better.

I’ve the same cpu, os and gpu, and i’ve some problems if i overclock, i prefer stay with defaults. The game works quite…

Do a google search for a program called whoscrashed, install it and it will do some analysis for you.

It’s likely to be a driver you’ve installed.

Do you have problems in other games?

Don’t know since I don’t play any other games, lol. I have a one track mind, sorry.
But I am doing a bios update since the program Keets suggested told me there was a problem with ASUS drivers. I have also rearranged my drives and installed another 120mm fan so that my video card now has optimal cooling.

Then I will try to play the game a few hours tonight and see what happens.

I think I have the a program that can help you.

Lavalys EVEREST Ultimate Edition.

Your SEOW hope the problem have been solved by removing the redundant net speed but

Can you post the message you get dico by SEOW?

and the approximate time lenght that the mission have run?

and was the time more or less the same in each seow mission?

I know that it is a lot but disco-problem is going on my nerve :cussing:

I should have written it down. But I think it was a “runtime” error if I recall. And yes it happens about the same time, 2.5 hours into the game. But I don’t think I’m running out of memory since I have 16 GB of Corsair Vengeance in it. I’ve done a MemTest and it has passed several times. I got a GPU temperature logger installed that I will use when we fly next time so I can track my GPU temps. Don’t have one for the CPU yet, but perhaps Everst has one in it.

I have a nasty, unfounded suspision of a memory leak OR that the overclocking are taking it to close to the edge which creates a error in the use of memory (RAM).

Have you updated your Java version to the newest or are you running Microsoft buildin Java?

But why now? After a year of no problems! The only thing I have added to the computer are movies via uTorrent and the automatic Windows updates. Nothing else. Well I did make a image disc and put Skyrim on it, but that’s it. My antivirus has not detected anything harmful in my computer. Ever!
About the overclocking. I have run it overclocked since the beginning as well, but now I have it a stock settings, but it seems that the MB steps up the FSB speed and multiplier automatically during high demand…I will check if I can deselect this feature.

Ok. Now I have installed the newest Java from Oracle

Apollo do you have another video card that you could use?

It may not be the answer but at least it will rule out your 560ti being faulty.

Apollo I have a few suggestions that may help besides all of the useful bits above

  1. Remove all overclocking, also disable any auto overclocking in the BIOS

  2. Try removing some RAM (See notes below about how IL2 uses memory)

  3. If you keep all 16gb of RAM try using the 1GB exe file*

*You can find this in the same place you found the 512mb expanded .exe

From my understanding, which is limited at best IL2 only uses a small fraction of the available memory our monster machines have. So actually you having 16gb is no more effective than someone who has 4gb because IL2 only uses a small amount anyway. I have also heard tales of people with lots of RAM having lots of troubles which is why I suggest the possibility of reducing to 8gb. I play with 8gb on both of my systems and have no trouble at all. If you dont want to remove any memory then try the 1gb expanded exe which will dedicate more memory to IL2.

I will quote Gross below who better explains what IL2 is doing with our memory, but a simple concept is that the game gradually fills the available dedicated memory and once it is full the game stops.

Quoted from this thread

I might sound ridiculus, but electronics get worns too.
Every time it change state it heats up or get cold. This change of state affects the components on a electro-microscopic level. Computer components have an operating envelop and a certain margin of error. With overclocking you dig into the error margin.
The firmware controlling hardware will try and correct certain errors and Windows and the software others but sometimes the event handler are unable; Which will result in a software or Windows crash.

It doesen’t have to be your hardware that are at fault, but I am just raising the possibility.

Don’t kill the messenger.

@Starfire: Sounds fair.

@Charlie: I do not have another card, but when I ran a stress test yesterday it reached temps far beyond what it does in IL2. I do not think it’s the vid card. But I’m not ruling it out yet.

@Classic: I will remove 8GB of memory and see what happens. It’s definately worth a try. But after reading your post about using up all available memory and quiting. Sounds like if you have more RAM it would take longer to fill up and thus quit later than sooner.

Its all about the memory dedicated to IL2 not total capacity.

If I have 4GB of RAM and use a 512mb expanded .exe and you have 16gb and use the 256mb expanded .exe you will quit first as the 256mb is used up before the 512mb. This is why I suggest an alternative option of using the 1gb expanded .exe file and keeping your 16gb installed.

But what if I use the 512mb expanded as you do? Or you use the 1gb expanded? If we both use the same 512mb or 1gb expanded, why would it matter how man GB total RAM we have installed? I just don’t get it. But I will try removing 8GB of RAM and see how it works.

Thanks for all the very good input and advice.

I removed the RAM and now have 8 GB in dual channel. Last nights flying revealed nothing negative and system was stable. We flew from 21:45 to 01:15 with two breaks to switch servers. So max flying time was probably 1h30m continuous flying. So tonight may get better results.
I had a program running in the back ground to monitor my GPU and had a max temperature of 60 deg C. I was do not have a program that monitors RAM performance and RamRush stops optimizing at 46% and gives an error message.
I will try reinstalling it.