Blennie Bomber Night


There is a Blennie Bomber Night planned for Saturday 30th Sep on ATAG. Details can be found here…

Anyone interested then please do sign up.

I might be able to make that, Laura is out for the night and once the girls are asleep I’ll be free!


I’ve just signed up for it OD.

Come on the rest of EAF. There was a time when we could put 10+ Blenhiem’s up in the air, how about the rest of you!

We are waiting for you in BOX to fly a campaign with tactical and strategic goals all together!
CEM and
Fm is different but fun and team tactics are the same!
Learning curve is easy it won’t steal you too much time!

we’ll give another go to CLOD after the patch is out!

I got the date wrong, it was the weekend just gone that she was out :frowning: Sorry. This weekend is unlikely (but I’ll try! I’ll even dig out Track IR)

I’ll probably be there


Sorry Jimmi, it’s not going to happen, not in the near future anyways…

Had a great time on ATAG on Saturday night with the Blennie raid…24 Blennies taking off from Kenley was a great sight to see, escorted them with at least 10 spits east over Eastchurch at angels 20…(blennies were at 12), when a call came out there was a 109 coming from the Deal area at angels 15, managed to spot him at dived sown and got him on flames on first burst, Jg4 Dui. after that caught up with the Blennies who were diving towards St Omer by this point only to get out numbered by 109s coming from all angles, don’t think there was a Blennie that survived… The next mission was a low level affair that put the escort at a disadvantage cos they wanted us below 1500ft, got tangled up with 3 109s got hits on one but eventually they got me… all in all a good night with the server full at 100 people and some on TS that could not get in.
