BF2 TV-guided missile movie

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Please does the icon around a vehicle mean IFF is being used?

I gunned for a guy-

“Do you know how to use the TV missile?”

“Yes I think so…”

Whammo! I’m well chuffed

APC destroyed

“One of our own. Good shot though lol”

Bit embarrassing and at that time I had not noticed the icons on objects, just the crosshairs… he was flying good and steady so I got a lucky boresight shot :slight_smile:

But seeing this movie (help for how to use the TV) I see and read that you must keep clicking the mouse and chase/lead the target doh!

I’d just been moving the crosshairs and not clicking - maybe the clicking mouse sends control signals in the real missile system. Which as usual I know nothing about help! :slight_smile:

The vehicles without icons I should be firing on then?

Is the icon a BF2 game thing that is not there in the real system?


Oooppss… :roflmao:

I doubt there is any clicking needed in the real system to steer the missile, just pointing the crosshairs should be enough. On the other hand, on missiles like Maverick (AGM-65) and Hellfire, it should be enough to lock on the target, then the system itself guides the missile to the target that it’s locked on. Only early radio or cable controlled missiles should need guiding all the way to the target.

And thanks for posting about movies from BF2, makes it so much easier for me to decide NOT to buy it. But I’m really looking forward to the new OFP. :w00t:

And thanks for posting about movies from BF2, makes it so much easier for me to decide NOT to buy it.

Happy Christmas Mikke


The movies are still fun to watch. :wink:

Merry christmas Ming!

yes for this thing is an arcade but is right as is do for this game because all player can use similar thing

OFP 2 Screens:
