Bear on leave (Injured)

In spite of my age, I still like to make some sports. As a matter of fact I live not far from the Alps, and nearly every weekend during winter time, from December to April, I go skiing with my family at Cervinia (Italian side of the Matterhorn).
This is what I also did last week. Fantastic sunny day, perfect snow until 1PM at over 3.000 meters. I went on top of the glacer, and down to Zermatt on the Swiss side. Then up again at 3.900 meters, and down on the Italian side. Fantastic!

When we decided to stop, and I was about 20 meters from the lift I wanted to use to go back to my car, my skis decided to take another heading. :eek: Unfortunately I was still on them. Not possible to eject. So I went down with them. (bad news). I was injured, but nevertehelss I survived (good news)

Damage report: leg muscles pulled (left leg, the rear muscles named “twins”, between the knee and the foot) . Heavy and extended damage. Fortunately the string did not break! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to stay at home retired. :o I cannot walk, and I even cannot move the leg. I am keeping ice on the leg for 10 minutes every hour and half.
I can’t use the rudder pedals, due to immobility prescribed by the doctor.
It will take at least a month to recover. Probably I can try to move the leg after 2 weeks. I am currently moving only some steps at home, using the poles.

Well, I am a little upset :mad: , but it was only my fault. So let’s take it easy. “Militia est vita homini super terram”! :slight_smile: :wink:

Ouch, sorry to hear that Bear. Get well soon!

Sorry to hear Bear! :frowning: I hope for a speedy recovery!

Dear Bear, Papa Bear… Get well soon!!!

Ouchie. Get well soon Bear. Did you manage to do this as well?:


Sorry to hear that. Speedy recovery Bear!

Ow, nasty one Bear

get well soon

Sorry to here Mate.

(But really…A Bear can take ANY damage and don’t really notice it? Right!) :slight_smile:

Get Well Fast Bear!

Get Well Soon!

Remember, each application of the ice must be followed by a generous amount of grappa :slight_smile:

I feel your pain, done it a few times myself, great fun though… :slight_smile:
Get well soon m8


i know all about those accidents! also had something like that.

speedy recovery mate

sorry to hear Bear i hope you recover fast and i wish you the best.

Hey Mikke, since Bear is grounded remember to give him all the paperwork that needs doing and has been piling up for the last year :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear Bear, i wish you a quick recovery.

We Dutch say: “pijn is fijn” :wink:
But seriously, I hope all your winter-fun damage will heal for the full 100%. Soon!

Thanks all mates! I hope being able to fly a little in the coming days, without rudder pedals. See you soon