bad company 2 sign here

[BFs] have opened a server, just search for [BFs] and it should appear.

Its a hardcore server cycling the Rush maps so there is no noob tubing, very good and the other peeps on there don’t and won’t allow cheats/hacks

How I cand add friends?
I mean where i can see when someone ask me friendship?

Wild if you look on the right just under where it say’s log in you will see a box that say’s friends requests it will have a number click on it and say yes or no.

Hope it helps you out mate and hope to see you in game sometime. S!

thanks a I’ll check it!

EGF_Classic signing up for duty - mainly getting killed by spotty 12yr olds who play this game far too much :slight_smile:

On dangerous enemies: they have to kill you every single time, but you only have to kill them once :slight_smile:
