Avant Italia !

Dear Azzuri.

England and their over paid and under achieving players are on the brink of an embarassing world cup exit, in fact the worst world cup record since 1958. We need the greatness of the Azzuri to bail us out of this mess. If you get us into the next round I will personally make sure that Balotelli is made King and Pirlo is made prime minister and my entire squad will drive Fiats for the rest of their lives.

Yours Sincerely.

Roy Hodgson

LOL, Mr. Hogson used to be trainer of Internazionale Milano, my beloved team…

I want to remark the absolute correctness and sportsmanship featured in the England vs. Italy match.

I suppose you all read that Balotelli asked for a Queen’s kiss, in case of England’s qualification…:roflmao:

After the “Arrows in our hearts” Operation, EAF’s visit to our Italian Air Force National Aerobatic Team in 2008, I remember EAF92_Majik writing in this forum: “Now I am very proud to reveal that I’m regretting no more, for having been driving an Alfa Romeo in London”…:roflmao: